Page 63 of On the Brink

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Cutter butted in. “Nate knocked Charley out when she tried to intervene. Dog needs to get her to the hospital to get checked out.”

Charley nodded. “I do have a headache, and it’s getting worse.”

The ambulance siren was getting close.

The rookie approached. “The back door was open, but I didn’t go in. Didn’t want to contaminate the scene. There’s white powder all over the kitchen counters and floor. There are footprints leading out the door, some consistent with a woman’s shoe size and others way bigger.”

Stanley tucked his pad and pen in his pocket. “That’s consistent with what you said, Ms. Abbott. If you need to go to the hospital, I can get your formal statement tomorrow at the station. But Dog has to come with me.”

Hell no. He needed to be with Charley, make sure she was okay. Make sure the sick fuck on the ground didn’t do any lasting damage.

Dog wrapped his arm around Charley’s shoulder and pinned Stanley with a stare. “I need to go with her.”

Stanley shook his head. “Now, Dog. You know I gotta take you in. Burgess may press charges when he wakes up.”

Dog took a step toward him. “You know I’m not going anywhere. I’ll just be at Mission looking after my woman. Besides, you need to check out the video from the rape in Asheville and see if anyone looks familiar. I think you’ll find it similar to what Charley has told you.”

Stanley put his palm out. “I’ll do that, but when it comes to you, it’s not up to me to decide. That’s the District Attorney’s job. I’ll get my report and recommendations on her desk pronto, but someone will have to interview Burgess and get his side of the story. Cutter, you got anything to add?”

Cutter snorted. “Everything Dog said was what happened.”

“I figured you’d say that. We’ll get statements from the neighborhood witnesses, and Ms. Abbott’s when she comes in. The DA will decide where to go from there. Dog, do I have to arrest you, or will you come willingly?”

Even though Dog knew this was how it had to go down, he still hated it. One of the club’s cages pulled up with Poke driving it. “Cutter, you’ll get Charley to the hospital?” Dog asked. “Text me what they say?”

“Sure thing. Come on, beautiful. Your chariot awaits.”

Cutter wrapped his arm around her waist and started toward Poke, but Dog stepped in, placed hands on either side of her jaw, and poured everything he was into his words. “Don’t give up on us, baby,” he whispered.

She gave him a curt nod, and Dog let Cutter take her away. It cut his heart out to do it.

“You ready?” Stanley asked.

“Fuck, no, but let’s do it anyway.”

Chapter Twenty-Five

Cutter helped Charley to the SUV the young man was driving. She cast a glance over her shoulder at Dog. The two policemen were leading him to their squad car. He was frowning, but at least he wasn’t in handcuffs.

“Will Dog be okay?”

Cutter tightened his grip on her. “Don’t you worry, pretty lady. Our lawyer is already on her way to the station. She’s a pit bull—that’s why we put her on retainer. Dog’ll be out in no time.”

He opened the passenger side door and lifted Charley in. She rolled her eyes. “I can still manage myself you know.”

“Maybe so, but Dog said take no chances, so I’m not.”

Charley shook her head at the whiplash she was feeling about Dog’s behavior. Only a few hours ago, he’d brokenit off. Now, he was taking care of her even if he couldn’t do it himself.

Cutter closed the door and walked around to the driver’s side. The driver rolled the window down.

“Out.” Cutter pulled a set of keys from his vest pocket and handed them to the man. “Take my bike back to the clubhouse. Clean it up when you get there. Better not have a scratch or a dent.”

The man nodded at Cutter and then turned to Charley. “Hope you feel better. Nate’s a nasty fuck.”

Charley shivered. Yes, he was that. She could still feel the revulsion of his hands on her private places, a violation she had not wanted. He’d threatened to take that violation to the worst conclusion, and even share her with another man.

“Are you Poke?”
