Page 66 of On the Brink

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The officer took Dog’s arm and pulled him toward the door. As they passed, Charley’s heart felt ripped from her chest.

“Please, officer. May I have a moment with Dog before you take him away?”

The woman frowned.

Dog held up his cuffed hands. “I’m not going anywhere.”

The officer nodded, and Charley pulled Dog away from the group for privacy, despite what Gabriela had said. What she had to say was for Dog’s ears only.

Holding his hand at an awkward angle, he placed a palm on her cheek. “I’m going to be okay, baby.”

Charley noted his torn knuckles, a remnant from the fight, and her eyes drifted closed. Would he really? He’d put everything on the line to save her.

Wrapping her arms around him, she stood on her tiptoes to whisper. “I’ll do anything I can to get you out. Hire an attorney from Charlotte, shout what Nate did to me from the treetops, stage a jailbreak, whatever it takes.”

She pulled back far enough to see his eyes, and, as usual, there was amusement in them. “A jailbreak, huh?” he whispered. “You goin’ on the run with me?”

A realization shot her straight in the heart. She didn’t want to live without him. She knew it was too fast, but he was everything to her.

“If that’s what it takes. I understand why you did what you did. You were trying to protect me. In the end you did just that. Youaremy hero, and you’re in this mess because of me.”

Dog shook his head. “Not a chance of that. I’m where I am because of Nate.”

“Either way, I have to get you out.” Swallowing hard, Charley mustered up the courage to say the words that were roiling in her heart. “You see, I’m falling in love with you.”

Dog put his cuffed hands on either side of her face and rested his forehead on hers. “You’re everything I didn’t know I needed. Strong, smart, loyal to those you love.” His lips tipped up in a smile. “Feisty enough to stand up to me. Falling in love. Hell, baby, I’m already there.”

He pressed his lips to hers, and the connection they’d built wrapped around her. She strained to get closer, but the officer butted in. “Sorry. That’s enough. I need to take him back now.”

They separated, and Charley’s heart stretched through the gap.

Dog caught her gaze. “No matter how long it takes for me to get out, know I’ll make your faith in me worthwhile.” Dog gave her his predatory smile. “Can’t wait to show you what your words just did to me.”

A tremble rippled Charley’s body, but it was bittersweet. The officer led Dog down a hallway, and his swagger was still there. He held his head high, and his steps were confident. She’d have to take strength from that.

Just before he reached the end of the hall, Dog stopped and looked back. He stared at her for a long moment, as if trying to memorize what he saw. Love stretched between them like the sweetest tether.

He blew her a kiss, and then he was gone.

Chapter Twenty-Six

Two months later, Dog sat with Charley on a wooden bench outside a courtroom located in the Buncombe County courthouse in Asheville. Things seemed to be working out mostly in his favor and he felt pretty good, except about what he was wearing. Instead of his club vest, which was prohibited in the courtroom and he felt naked without, he sported a new polo shirt and jeans. Charley had insisted he have new clothes for his sentencing hearing. Dog wore them only for her. He couldn’t care less about impressing a judge who was on the club’s payroll.

Charley, in her signature business suit, held his hand. “Are you nervous?”

He gave her fingers a squeeze. “Nah. Gabriela said the plea deal’s been worked out. Misdemeanor battery. Pisses me off because Nate deserved what he got, but she said there were too many witnesses of me beating him once he was down for her to negotiate dropping the charges.”

Charley shifted on the bench. “Well, I’m nervous. I hated those few days you spent in jail before you made bail. You didn’t belong there.”

Hell, no. He hadn’t. But he knew the reason why he’d stayed the maximum time allowed by law.

“I think the DA held off charging me as long as she could. She’s got a real hard on where the club is concerned. Like we’re the worst influence in the community. She’s got that all wrong, but her mind is set.” Dog leaned over and gave Charley a light kiss. “I won’t be goin’ back to jail. Gabriela will see to that.”

Charley stroked his cheek. “Good. I’ve gotten used to having you around.”

Dog grinned. “And I’ve gotten used to you being in Asheville half time. I’ve loved the time we’ve had together, baby. Makes all of this worthwhile.”

“With technology, it’s been fairly easy to take every Friday off. Long days when I’m in Charlotte, but it’s worth it.”

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