Page 30 of Hard Count

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I mouthedthank youto the barista and stuffed a five in the tip jar. She grinned and slid a small brown bag my way, undoubtedly with white almond cake pop. The girls at the shop knew how to hit my sweet spot. “Savannah?” I laughed. “The only team in Savannah is the Rockets-”

No. He wouldn’t do this to me.

“Kellan.” I warned.

“I don’t trust anyone else to go, Rena.”


“I know-”

“THE ROCKETS ARE A FREAKING FOOTBALL TEAM. I. Don’t. Do. Football. I told you. No.”

“Rena, Knight is a special case. I can’t get into details until I get back to my room, but I need you to take care of this. Personally. For me. I’ll owe you.”

I sucked half of my coffee down, and closed my eyes as the sweet liquid washed over my tongue. Trying to calm myself before I lost my shit. Football was the only sport I refused to deal with as part of my job at Fortress, and Kellan knew that.

“I’ll owe you, Serena. Please. You have a way of seeing things other people don’t. He needs that. I need that.”

No amount of coffee would help the headache coming on and the thought of dealing with the one thing I hated more than anything.


Because if Kellan was asking, he really didn’t trust anyone else to take care of whatever he was supposed to fly to Savannah for.

“So, what, I’m your ‘fixer’ now?”

“Serena, you know you are. And damn good at it, too.”

“You will owe me, Kellan. And I’m not talking small. Big, Kellan. Huge.”

His sigh through my phone was like an affirmation that whatever favor I was owed, it was going to be worth every moment of watching him sweat it out. “Got it. You fly out tomorrow.”


“Yep. And the earliest we’re getting out of here is the day after, but call me if you need anything. I’ll send over my file.”

Thank God for iced coffee. And cake pops. I hurried back to the office, shoving my sweet treat into my mouth and mumbling, “Two.” I said around a mouthful. “Two favors, Kellan. And tickets to Rhyland Morgan’s next show. Not crappy seats, either. And whatever else I ask for. Understood?”

“Thanks, Serena. It’s all yours.”

Ugh. I ate the rest of the cake pop, and pushed open the door to the building.

“I hope I don’t regret this, Kellan.”

“Kellan Thorne, you owe me big time. The humidity alone is enough to piss me off. And the only person I’m not mad at right now is Peyton. And Emmaline.” I shoved my bag into the trunk, and rounded the side of the midsize SUV that my boss should’ve been driving to meet the football player who needed his agent and was getting me.

The girl who hated football more than celery or people who talked in movie theaters.

The late October air should have been crisp. Or at least not as oppressive as it was.

But, almost three weeks into the NFL season, the air in Savannah felt more like a hot Southern day than autumn football weather.

I hated it even more because of it.

Slamming the driver’s door shut, I stuck my phone in the holder on the dashboard. With a sigh, I started the engine, and hit speakerphone.

“If I could be there, I would. But with the delays, we can’t get a flight off the island until tomorrow. At the earliest. Gabe has been on my calendar for a few weeks, and there’s no way I can get there. You’re the only one I trust to take care of things the same way I would. To make it right.” He breathed into his phone. “You read the file?”
