Page 21 of Winning Her Over

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He releases his dick and grips my thighs as he spreads me wide, his head ducking down and his mouth going straight for my pussy. His tongue swipes right up the middle of me, dipping into my opening briefly before twirling around my clit.

With a gasp, I burrow my fingers into his crisp, blond hair and hang on tight as he eats me out with all the ferocity of a starving man. He savors me as if I were a gourmet meal.

Lee often calls me the greatest treat he’s ever been gifted and at moments like this with his mouth and tongue licking every inch of me, I truly believe him.

I buck into his mouth as he slips two fingers into my slick entrance and sucks hard on my tender little bud.

Biting down on my lips, I keep my cry of release locked inside as my pussy spasms around his fingers and my clit pulsates wildly.

His thrusting fingers slow down, dragging in and out of my drenched pussy even as he continues to suck and lick up my juices.

I curl my fingers in his hair, attempting to wrestle him up from my pussy. “Enough, Lee. Let me have your dick.”

Looking up, he pulls his fingers from me and makes a show out of licking my glistening juices from them.

“You’re a bad man, Leland Matthews.” I wedge my left knee into the space between his hip and the chair’s arm and, with his hands supporting me, get my right knee into a similar position on the other side.

“No condom?” he questions, holding his dick upright while I slowly lower myself until he’s notched at my slippery entrance.

We’ve been bad a few times and have forgotten condoms. Okay, I’ve been too impatient for them. I’ve gotten better at taking my pills daily, though, so I’m not worried.

Plus, there’s no way I’m not having his dick right now.

With a slow downward press of my hips, his engorged cockhead pops into me fully and it’s all I can do not to slam myself on him. But mindful of that pained wince earlier, I gently lower my body until he’s snugly fitted in my pussy.

His girth stretches my inner walls and the throbbing heat of him feels amazing. Slowly, I rock my hips forward and back, teasing us both. Lee’s hand grabs my ass as the fingers on his other hand dives between my legs where I’m stretched tightly around him, and he flicks my clit before rubbing slow circles around the tiny erect pearl.

“Blaire,” he moans into my neck, and knowing he’s getting close, I increase my pace, grinding down into him.

Clenching my inner muscles, the familiar anticipation winds tighter and tighter through me and it’s all I can do not to throw back my head and howl my pleasure as I shatter on his dick.

Lee is only a few seconds behind me, and soon the heat of his release fills me.

We’re both breathing heavily as I sag against him and his arms curl possessively around me, keeping me locked in his lap. As if there were anywhere else I’d rather be!

Crazy man, he’s everything to me.



I forgot we had to go do a presentation today at one of the local clubs. Thankfully, we have time to swing by our homes and freshen up before that. I really should start just keeping some of my clothes at Lee’s house. That would make things easier. I already have a makeup bag there.

Vanna, cruel bestie that she is, shoots me the thumbs up and a wink as we exit Lee’s office to head out. We both look a tad rumpled, so it’s obvious what we’ve been up to.

Not that I mind people knowing I’m banging the boss. It’s not as if there are any extra benefits to it other than Lee is amazing. But I mean, it’s not like the other employees have to worry. I’ll get special work privileges. Though the privilege of having access to Lee’s dick is pretty spectacular.

I toss Vanna a smirk and a princess wave as we exit the building.

The presentation itself, I’ve been through dozens of times. Except now that I’m dating Lee, I can’t help sitting there and admiring the way he holds everyone’s attention. He’s certainly holding mine. Normally he wears a dress shirt and slacks to work, but for this he’s put on a matching black suit jacket and a blue tie that matches his eyes exactly.

Despite having sex with him less than ninety minutes ago, I can’t help thinking it’s a shame sex in a vehicle just wouldn’t work out. Guess I’ll have to wait until tonight to jump him.

I tightly squeeze my thighs together and try not to squirm as the rich timbre of his voice flows over me and heightens my desire for him.

Alongside desire, pride swells in me as I witness how the audience responds positively to his speech and how afterwards they eagerly gravitate to him with questions.

What didn’t make me happy was the initial looks of pity upon many faces as Lee made his way to the microphone set up in the middle of the floor. Neither did witnessing three club members, all at least two decades older than Lee, almost falling over themselves insisting that he could stay seated and that they could bring the microphone to him.
