Page 31 of Winning Her Over

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Lee looks over and gives me a grin. “Your daughter cheated again.”

“I did not!” Lily squeals.

“My daughter?” I huff, rolling my eyes. “That’s not how I recall things.”

“Lily always cheats,” Christopher yells from the play set where he’s currently playing pirates with his younger brother, Declan.

Dropping her bike in the driveway, Lily runs off to defend her honor aka probably push one of her brothers down and steal his foam sword.

I stand up and plop myself down in Lee’s lap, ignoring the loud oomph of air he lets out when all my weight settles onto him. “Why must you get them all riled up like that before my parents come and get them?”

“Cause I’m good at it?” Grinning, his brows arch up.

Wiggling my butt, I grab hold of his shoulders. “You’re good at something, all right.”

“Tonight?” he growls, lowering his head to nip at my neck.

“Definitely,” I pant, feeling his erection rising under my butt.

My parents are taking all three kids for the weekend, giving Lee and me some time to finish setting up the baby’s room.

Or so we told them.

In reality, we’re just looking forward to a little alone time before baby boy arrives and our life is filled with tons of chaos and disorder as we adjust to having a new family member.

Besides, even if Dad and my mother would have known of our naughty plans, they still would have taken the kids. They dote on their grandchildren like crazy. Even Mother has a soft spot for them in a way she never did for me growing up.

Ten years ago, Dad, Uncle Bruno, and I all sat down and had a serious discussion about mother. It was painful and I know Dad hated to do it, but he put a set amount in her bank account and told her that was it, she wouldn’t get a dime more until she agreed to therapy.

She laughed and blew an untold amount of dollars in a single week.

Then she got caught shoplifting.

I ignored her call and Uncle Bruno broke Dad’s phone, wrestling it away from him. I kinda wish I would have been there to see it.

In the end, she finally agreed to an in-patient program and now attends weekly therapy sessions and is on medication to help with her impulse control issues.

She and Dad began seeing each other a year into her treatment. They haven’t remarried because Uncle Bruno fears what she would do with access to all the bank accounts again. Surprisingly, both Dad and her agreed with that decision.

I still don’t have the relationship with her that others have with their mothers. Nothing will give me back those years of my childhood, but I’m happy that we can at least have conversations now.

I’m a much happier person overall and it’s in large part because of the amazing man I married.

Lifting his head, his bright blue eyes capture my gaze. “Blaire, I’ll never understand why you took a chance on me when you could have had any man you wanted-”

My hand covers his mouth and muffles his words. “Good thing I got the one I wanted then, huh?”

Warm lips kiss my palm before his wet tongue slides across it, making me giggle and jerk my hand back.

“Good for both of us,” he says before dipping his head down and claiming my lips in a kiss that still sends a thrill through me.

We’ve had many adventures in our ten years together and I can’t wait to see how the rest of our lives play out. Because with a man like Lee, I know every day is something special.

