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I wanted to know why. What I did that made her leave. I couldn’t even ask her now. Hadn’t even thought about asking for her number. Maybe because I’d just imagined she would be here when I woke up. Girls almost always overstayed their welcome, trying to get something out of me. But her?

She’d bolted.

Now I was fucked. How was I going to find her? I knew so little about her. Our school wasn’t enormous, but big enough that I had no idea where to even start. All I knew about her was she was a blonde, and she was majoring in costume design.

Should I try waiting outside the drama building and see if she showed up? Maybe I’d see when the next performance was, even though I doubted she’d be in it. She told me she didn’t like to sing in public, didn’t she?

I wished I’d gotten to hear that idyllic voice of hers sing last night. It was filed among the many regrets, along with how I’d felt when I first woke up this morning, reaching over to the spot next to me in bed. I’d wanted to ask her for more. To see each other again. But it was cold.Empty.

The eyes I’d had kept shut had flown open.Fuck.

She’d run out on me.

There was one thing, though. My eye caught something tucked under the corner of my bed, forgotten. Those silvery sparkling heels I’d unbuckled, kissing off her legs.

She’d left me behind with nothing but the memories of last night and those damn shoes. The t-shirt I’d lent her was in a pile on the floor, and I picked it up, bringing it to my nose. It still had a faint trace of her scent, something sweet and floral that I couldn’t quite identify.

“You’re an idiot,” I muttered to myself. “You don’t even know her name.” All I had was a pair of silver heels and a tiny morsel of information.

I collapsed back on the bed, throwing my arm over my eyes as the memories replayed through my brain.

And all I could feel was regret.

Re-assembling my burger, I sighed.Hallo-weekendwas officially over, and Monday continued on like nothing had happened over the weekend. Nothing monumental.

Never mind the way I’d looked for her in every blonde I’d seen, but none of them were her. How did I find a girl just knowing her shoe size and her major? It wasn’t like I could go down to the College of Arts and Sciences and demand a list of all the costume design majors, right?

No, that would beinsane. I pinched the bridge of my nose.

“What’s wrong with him?” James asked, sliding into our booth at the Commons next to Forest.

“Thelove arrow,” he said with a shrug, taking a slurp of his soup. “I told him to be careful, but he didn’t listen.”

I rolled my eyes at the reference to the couple’s costume he’d worn with Sutton. “I’m not?—”

I wasn’t in love. So what if I’d taken the beautiful blonde girl up to my bed that night?

Adam groaned, interrupting me before I could refute Forest’s statement. “Can’t a man enjoy his dinner in peace?” He’d already scarfed down one piece of pizza, and was starting on another. “I don’t need to hear you talk aboutlove.” He made a face.

Forest gave me that look, likeone day he’ll understand.

“Clearly not,” I muttered, taking a bite of my burger. Changing the subject, I turned to the other bench. “How’s the season going, James?”

He looked up from his plate, grinning. “Fantastic. We’re kicking ass and taking names. And the new kid on the team, Lucas, he’s got skills. Dude’s the new golden boy, I swear.”

Forest nudged him in the side. “Someone had to take over your mantle eventually, Erikson.”

“They never called me that.” James shoved him back.

“Are you ready for the away game this week?” Adam asked our dark-haired friend as the rest of us chowed down on our food.

The two of them launched into a conversation about travel plans, and I scanned the seating area for the dining hall, just in case. Forest raised an eyebrow, and I shook my head.

Why had I told himanything?

“You’re hopeless.”

“She was just… different.” I sighed. “I don’t know how to explain it. I thought we had a connection.” The conversation had flown so easily between us, and that wasn’t something that came along with everyone.
