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He waved me off. “Mine’s not till later. It’s fine.”

Mmm. “Okay.”

“Get some rest.”

I closed my eyes, and when I’d almost fallen asleep once again, I swore I’d felt the press of his lips against my forehead.

The next time I’d opened my eyes, my room had been empty.

A note sat on my bedside table.

The front was addressed with my name, in a scrawl that could only have been his.


I’m sorry I couldn’t be there when you woke up, but I had to get to class. There’s soup for you to reheat in the fridge, and I left medicine and the thermometer by your bed. Make sure to keep drinking plenty of fluids and some vitamin C.

If you need anything, text me.

I mean it, Princess. Anything.


“Damn him for being so perfect.” It wasn’t fair. He was a Prince Charming in every sense of the word.

A knock sounded on my door, and I looked down. I was still wearing his t-shirt. Picking up one shoulder, I sniffed it, comforted by the faint smell of him that was left behind.

“Who is it?” I asked, and Audrey poked her head in.

“Are you feeling any better?”

I shook my head, a resoundingno.“Don’t come in here. I don’t want you to catch it right before finals.” Not when hers required her full range of motion and hervoice.

“Ilenetold me what happened.”


“I think she’s a little smitten with your boy. I can’t blame her.”

“He’s notmine,” I groaned.

“Sure, sure.” Audrey waved me off. “Keep telling yourself that.”

“He risked a lot taking care of me,” I murmured, knowing how many rules Ilene had allowed him to break. Curfew, no boys… And that didn’t even include him giving up laser tag, even if he’d seemed fine with it. Or how he’d held me all night, even if I could definitely give him the same bug I had now.

“You never even let me take care of you like that,” Ro complained.

“That’s because I don’t want you to get sick, too. Our bodies are identical. They do stupid things.”

“Still. That doesn’t stop you from taking care of me.”

“Okay… Fair point.” I winced. “It wasn’t like I was given an option. I was too out of it last night to realize what Cam was doing, and by the time I wasn’t just asleep all day, he’d already left.”

I showed her the note.


“What?” I frowned.
