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I hummed in response, turning my attention back to the book in my lap.

“What?” She scowled. “It’s Audrey’s thing, not mine.”

But it could be yours.If she wanted. I’d caught her singing to herself on multiple occasions—she wasgood.Better than good.

“I’m happy where I am,” she whispered. But it felt more like she was telling herself that, instead of me.

“Okay. As long as you’re happy, that’s all that matters,” I said, leaning over and kissing her forehead.

Settling back in my chair, I picked up my book, but half of my attention was on Ella, who’d flipped back to her current design, humming as she returned to her earlier process.

I lost track of time with us like that, catching eyes every few minutes, the blush on her cheeks deepening every time it happened. Our knees would brush under the table, and she would shy away before we touched again a few moments later.

It felt oddly intimate, even if we were just sitting at the table lost in our own activities.

“There’s the happy couple!” James’s voice was loud in the lodge, the rest of our friends following behind. Sutton was holding Forest’s hand, the two of them sharing their own secret smiles.

“Oh, but we’re not…” Ella started, looking over at me.

I raised an eyebrow. I’d wanted to give her time before I sprang a label on her, but maybe we needed to have that conversation sooner rather than later.

After last night, I knew I wouldn’t be able to give her up. It felt like something fundamental had changed between us, and I didn’t want to look at it too closely.

Because it was too soon to assign any other emotions to this. I liked her—a lot—but that didn’t mean there were any other L words currently applicable to our relationship.

I shook my head, refocusing. “We’re notwhat, Ella?”

“Um.” She shook her head. Looked over at her sister. Shrugged.

Sutton plopped down on the bench next to Ella, and our table was quickly full of a bunch of them, everyone shedding their wet snow gear next to them to dry.

Everyone devolved into conversation, and our peaceful silence was gone.

James elbowed me in the ribs. “How’s it going in here, Cam?”

“Good.” I held up my book. They didn’t need to know I’d barely read a word.

Adam looked at the cover for a moment before addressing me. “That one was good. Read it last year.”

It was good. The parts I’d been able to pay attention to, at least. When I hadn’t been staring at the girl across the table.

I nudged her knee with mine.Outside?I mouthed, wanting to have more time alone with her.

Ella nodded.

“We’re gonna take a walk,” I said to the table, grabbing my coat and pulling it on before helping Ella into hers. She spun around to face me, moving to zip her coat, but I stopped her before she could.

“Let me,” I offered, pulling the zipper and making sure none got caught in her hair.

“Icanzip my own coat, you know, Charming. I’m not incapable.”

“Never said you were.” I resisted kissing her in front of all our friends.

Not yet, anyway. Not when she still had doubts about what we were. What this was.

We walked outside of the lodge. The sun was shining high in the sky, making the snow seem to sparkle.

“Wow. It’s bright out here,” Ella murmured, covering her eyes with one hand.
