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Cam’s hand tangled in my hair, and he pulled my head towards his, bringing our lips together.

“What was that for?” I asked when he pulled away.

“For choosing me,” he murmured, that same hand running down my spine.

I didn’t say anything else, just laid my head in the crook of his shoulder, enjoying the feeling of his arms wrapping around my body, letting the warmth soothe me to sleep.


My eyes had closed, only moments from falling asleep when he’d spoken the words, but I let my eyes flutter open. He was staring down at me, one arm still wrapped around me, and his gaze filled with so much care.

“Mhm?” I murmured, cuddling against his chest.

“Promise me you’ll be here when I wake up?” His voice was low, quiet, but somehow it filled the entire room.

Sliding my hand up his chest, I let it rest over his beating heart. “I promise, Charming.”

He kissed my forehead, and we fell asleep just like that, all wrapped up in each other.



Our first full day in Vermont was spent on the mountain, though Ella had stayed in the lodge, her design sketchbook and a varying amount of swatches in hand.

I’d never slept as well as I did last night, with Ella curled up next to me. And waking up in the morning, with the first thing I saw being that beautiful head of blonde hair, sleeping on my chest like a pillow… I was so gone for this girl.

I didn’t know what I would have done if she’d said no. If she had decided she didn’t want me, us.

But I was the luckiest guy in the world, and I knew it.

Because I got to kiss her good morning, and now I got to stare at her work, erasing and sketching the same drawing for what felt like the fifteenth time in the last ten minutes.

“Don’t you want to ski?” she finally asked, looking up at me as I drank from my mug of hot chocolate.

“Nah.” I’d gone down a few runs, and now I was perfectly content watching her work.

“But… You bought a pass.” She squished up her nose, making a face.

I shrugged. “There’re more days.” Plus, I’d rather spend time with her.

“Okay.” She shrugged, going back to her sketchpad.

“What are you working on?” I asked, watching as she erased part of her drawing once again. “Is that a design for Audrey’s play?”

“Oh, no.” Ella looked bashful as she looked up at me. “I’m just working on something for my portfolio. The designs for the play are just about done, though. Next step is sending them to my professor. Do you want to see?”

I nodded, coming around behind her as she flipped backwards in her sketchbook.

“This one’s for Audrey’s character. It’s a fairytale, so she’s the princess.” It was a dress with a full skirt that hit mid-calf, decorated in little tiny flowers that she’d drawn as well as shaded in.

“You did this?” I asked, though I wasn’t shocked at how talented she was. I’d seen her designs before, and I knew she had a gift. “This is amazing, Ella. Wow.”

“Thank you.” She flipped to the next page, showing me the design for the lead male character, a prince. The jacket was structured, with slightly poofy sleeves, drawing in elements from historical designs and whimsical fantasy.

She showed me the other designs, which were all just as stunning, though the one she’d drawn for her sister was my favorite. “What about you?” I asked when she finished. “Is there one that you’d wear?”

“Oh, no. I’m not performing.” She looked at me like I’d grown a second head. “I’d fall flat on my face. You’ve seen me practically trip on air, right?”
