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“That’s the first time you’ve called me your boyfriend.”

“Oh.” Was it? I guess I hadn’t realized how good it would feel. “Well, you are.”

Satisfaction pursed his mouth as he lifted me onto his lap.

And then he showed me justhowmuch he enjoyed it when I said the words, making me repeat them over and over as he used his fingers and tongue.

I soaked in every moment, taking advantage of all the ones we had left.

Knowing pretty soon, we’d have to say goodbye.



“You know you’re going to have to let go of me at some point, right, Princess?” Cam murmured into my ear as I wrapped my arms tighter around his neck.

“Just let me have this,” I mumbled, knowing I needed to say goodbye. Knowing that the cars were loaded, and our peaceful winter break vacation was over.

I hadn’t known just how much I needed this. How much I neededhim.How easy it would be.

“You’ll text, right?”

He smoothed over the back of my head. “Every day.”

“Mmm. Good.” I finally pulled away, stretching up on my tiptoes and kissing him softly before lowering my body back to the ground.

If I did any more, I knew we wouldn’t make it in the cars, and everyone was waiting for us.

“Two weeks,” he promised. “Once you’re back on campus, text me, alright?”

I nodded, knowing I’d be counting down to that day.

Cam’s hands cupped my face. “No going and meeting anyone else while you’re at home, Ella. Remember, you’re mine.” Without another word, he bent down and kissed medeeply, slipping his tongue over my bottom lip until I opened for him. The tongue that had memorized my body explored my mouth like we had hours instead of only moments left together.

Breathless. He’d stolen all the air from my body, from my lungs.


He chuckled, resting his forehead against mine. “Go, Ella. Or I’ll sweep you back into that bedroom and show you just how much I don’t want to leave you.”

I looked back at the car, Audrey sitting in the front seat with the ignition already running.

“You could still come home with me,” I mumbled, even though I knew it was a moot point.

Besides, it was too soon, wasn’t it? Bringing home your boyfriend of less than a month for Christmas?


Still, I hated it.

“Bye, Princess.” He kissed my forehead and then gave me a little smack on the ass. “Be a good girl now, hm?”

The heat stole into my face as I watched him walk away, waiting until his car door closed before I turned around, marching myself back to our car without looking back.

Okay, I took one last little sneak peek, catching his wink through the car window, and then I slid inside the warm car.

“Don’t say anything,” I warned Audrey, cupping my cheeks with my hands as if I could hide my blush.

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