Page 37 of Ruthless Desire

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Handing me the bag, Chase sat down next to me again. “You know I’m stubborn,” he teased.

Opening the bag, I uncovered a brand-new laptop. Gasping, I almost cried. “Chase, this is too much,” I cried.

“No, it’s not. You need a good laptop so you can start your own business. Plus, it just makes sense for you to have one for school,” he finished like it was no big deal.

Wrapping my arms around him, I hugged him tightly as I thanked him over and over again for his generous gift.

Laughing, Chase reached inside the bag again. “There’s more,” he said, as he lifted two tickets in the air.

Upon further inspection, I saw that they were front-row seats to the Cirque du Soleil show next weekend.

“What?” I screamed, as I bounced up and down.

“I thought it would be cool to go to the show on News Years. I hear the show is pretty wicked,” he finished, as he fanned the tickets in front of me.

Throwing myself onto him, I kissed his neck and then cheek as I gushed over the gifts. “I have something small for you,” I said, as I reached under my bed for his gift.

Handing him the box wrapped in red paper, Chase smiled. “My first Christmas gift,” he whispered to himself.

My heart ached to hear him speak those words. I hated that neither of us were loved as children. Opening his gift, Chase admired the black leather wallet.

“I had your name engraved on it. I’m sorry it isn’t much, but hopefully one day I can buy you something nicer,” I said, as I looked down at my hands folded on my lap.

Placing his hands on my face, Chase looked deep into my eyes. “This is perfect. I couldn’t have asked for anything better.”

Settling back into each other’s arms, Chase and I reveled in the love twinkling around us. I couldn’t wait to show Avery my gift when she returned from visiting her parents. Until then, I would soak up every moment I had alone with Chase.


After our conversation about futures and families, Chase had been more persistent about how we spent our time together. I loved being with him and more than anything, I loved how supportive he was of my dreams.

“Why don’t you just move in with me?” Chase asked, as he held me tightly around my waist.

Turning to face him, I raised my brows. “Seriously? Baby, we both live in the same hotel. Isn’t that practically living together now?” I inquired, as I wanted him to realize how ludicrous he was being.

“I don’t mean here at the hotel,” Chase said, as his face grew serious. It was clear he wouldn’t back down. “What if we found another place to live? Somewhere quiet and safe outside of this casino? Somewhere we can be together without interruptions,” he asked with a smirk as his hands roamed my body.

I watched his face closely for any sign he was joking. Instead, I found an intense glare and pleading eyes gazing back at me. Chase was serious. With his strong hands touching my sensitive skin, I couldn’t find any plausible reason to argue with him.Damn him. He knew exactly what he was doing to me. Chase was more than aware that his touch could render me helpless, and I was now lost in his world.

“What about money? You know I can’t afford to help pay rent right now,” I argued back, as Chase trailed kisses down my neck. He was playing dirty now.

The logical side of my brain still tried to fire through my sensual side, which was taking over. While living with Chase sounded wonderful, I didn’t want him to jump into something I couldn’t help with. I hated that I had to be like this. Placing my hands on his chest, I slowly pushed myself away from his lips. “Chase, I would love to live with you. Trust me, nothing would make me happier. But I have to save all my money to pay for school, so that I can get a good job and a nice place soon.”

“Do you love me?” Chase threw at me as he scooted closer to me.

Startled, I was almost rendered speechless. Was he serious? “Of course, I love you,” I cried out.

This wasn’t going well, and I didn’t want to fight with him tonight.

“Then that’s all that matters,” Chase said, as he pulled me back and closer to him. As we stood together, I held onto his biceps for safety and warmth. “I can take care of the money. I know that’s what you’re really worried about. I love that you’re independent and have worked hard to save for school, but you have me now, and I have the financial means to take care of you. For once in your life, let someone take care of you. Everything you want in life can be yours. All you have to do is say yes,” Chase grinned at me with his award-winning smile, and my heart instantly melted. I maneuvered myself into his arms as his words drenched my heart.

“Chase, it’s not that simple. I know you have money, lots of it. But I can’t take your money. I can’t let you pay for me. I’m abig girl, and I need to figure this out on my own,” I stated, as I realized I wasn’t just fighting with Chase, but I was also fighting with myself, too.

“You’re mine,” Chase growled, as he squeezed my hips to him. I felt his hardness pressing up against my belly, and I almost gasped from the touch. “I’ll take care of all your expenses. I take care of what’s mine. If you live with me, we can be together all the time. I can watch out for you every minute of the day. And you can save up for school. I’ll even help Avery out too if that makes you feel better. I’m not sure she needs us though, Avery and Jax have been hitting it off,” Chase finished, as he smiled at me.

As much as I wanted to continue arguing with him, I knew this was a losing battle. If I was with Chase, then I needed to remind myself that he wanted to protect me in every aspect. Even financially. As much as I wanted to do this on my own, maybe I should let him help take care of me for now. Just until I finish school. I could pay him back one day when I got a real job or keep the place we find clean for him and cook. Shit, that makes me sound so domesticated.

I stood there for a while, waiting for the right words to express to Chase how much I wanted his offer but at the same time, I didn’t want to forget my goals or the hard work I put into all this until this point.
