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“Yeah, sure, no problem. Just let me know when and where you want to meet.”

“And no funny business.” Alex adds.

“Of course, Grandpa.”

I text Autumn to meet me at Andrea’s bar, Liquid Elixir, in an hour and make my way to the bathroom. After a quick shower, I put on a pair of joggers and a sweatshirt. It’s a bit chilly this Saturday morning. The ice is starting to melt since it hasn’t snowed in a few weeks, but the cold is clinging to town, refusing to give way to spring.

I open my fridge, wondering what I have in stock. Most likely just cereal. I’m surprised to see three of Mom’s Tupperware. When did she come over? There’s a small sticky note stuck to one of them. I carefully take it off to read it.

I dropped these because I know you don’t cook.

Eat well this week and bring back my Tupperware to dinner next week.


I smile at the signature. As if anybody else would have gotten past the lobby security to smuggle food into my apartment. I open each container, wondering what’s inside. Casserole, cobb salad, and what is this–I dip a hand into the Tupperware–oh right, beef stew.

The delicious aroma from the dishes causes my stomach to grumble angrily, reminding me that I haven’t had breakfast. I take out the casserole and cover the rest. After dishing out my plate, I return the leftovers to the fridge.

While my meal heats up in the microwave, I send Mom a quick thank you text. I tap my fingers on the kitchen countertop as I wonder about my next move. I’ve decided that I want out of the Moratti Family. I no longer care about the rules that no one is allowed to leave. I’m Ezra fucking Beaufort, I can do whatever the hell I want. It’s time I stop letting Massimo push me around.

I am fantasizing about being free of them, with a family…

The microwave beeps softly, breaking my trance and bringing me back to reality. After my meal, I drive to Liquid Elixir. It’s not going to be open this early in the morning, but my sister lives above the bar, and the reason I’m going there is to talk to her.

I arrive at the bar before Autumn, which is odd. She’s a stickler for punctuality, that one, unlike my ever late sister. Point in case: her sleep disheveled state when she opens her door for me.

I shake my head slowly, tsking in faux disappointment, “Mademoiselle Beaufort, don’t tell me you forgot our appointment?”

She grunts and turns away, leaving the door open for me to follow her. Guess she’s not impressed by how on time I am. I trail behind her as she goes to her kitchen. I watch in amusement as she picks up a mug of coffee and gulps it down. She replaces the mug under her coffee machine for another refill.

My sister is absolutely addicted to caffeine. She can’t function in the morning without copious amounts. Beauforts certainly seem prone to addictions: Andrea and her coffee, Alex and his precious woman; then me and, well, pretty much anything that will give me a buzz.But I’m changing, a new man,I remind myself.

“I already had my morning coffee, but thanks for the offer, Andie.” I joke, as she taps her foot impatiently, then rips the mug from beneath the scalding stream before it’s had a chance to even turn off. I cannot fathom how she drinks the stuff at near boiling temperatures, the little psycho.

She tosses a dirty look at me but chooses to drink her second mug in lieu of a reply, giving me a pointed look as she gulps it down like water. I wince on her behalf, knowing from experience exactly how strong that shit is.

I stay silent until she’s downed her cup. “Morning asshole. To what do I owe the agony of seeing your face first thing in the morning?”

“Now, Andie, is that any way to talk to your big brother?” I ask sweetly. “Besides, it’s almost 9:30.”

“And I went to sleep at 4 AM. You know I’m up late at the bar, Ezra. Now tell me what you want before I tear off your ugly face. I’m running on barely five hours of sleep here.”

I smile at her, watching her sip the next cup of coffee. “You really need to do something about this addiction of yours. I don’t want my kids to become dependent on coffee because they see their aunt guzzle it like water every morning.”

The coffee must go down the wrong pipe because she starts choking. I grin as I make my way to her and gently pat her on the back. When the coughing fit dies down, she glances at me with watery eyes. “What did you just say?”

“Well, you don’t have to be so shocked just because I mentioned my children. You need to work on that, especially since I’m going to be a father in a few months…you better get used to it.” I frown as I try to calculate when exactly, but it’s no use. I’ll have to ask Charlie about their due date. How did I not think of that already?

I take out my phone to text her, like I’ve been doing every morning. Nothing too serious, just checking in and making sure she’s doing well. Just as I lock my phone, Andrea snatches it out of my hand.

“Be serious, Ezra! You just announced you’re having a baby and now you’re texting someone?”

“Babies.” I correct her.


“I’m not having a baby, I’m havingtwobabies.”
