Page 22 of Regaining Integrity

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How the hell did I lose her? There wasn’t that much distance between us.

People push against me, forcing me farther away from the entrance until I’m nearly at the bar, and a familiar face appears from somewhere behind it.


Faking a smile, I make my way to him. He’s busy with another person when I reach his end of the bar. I can’t help but laugh at how much he looks like his dad right now with a towel draped over his massive shoulder and the set frown on his face as a co-ed tries to flirt with him.

I don’t see his girl anywhere, likely because her face is still too familiar to the world, and she likes to keep things uncomplicated, according to Holt.

“Sorry, we don’t serve that here.” Pushing away from the bar, he snaps his gaze to focus on me. Even though I’m one of his best friends, I’m not gifted a smile. Not here. I got one when I saw him the other day, but not now. “Shit, I don’t want your brand of trouble tonight.” He’s gruff, but again, I know this man better than everyone else hanging around here at the moment and know he’s teasing.

“I don’t want a drink. I’m looking for a girl.”

“Story of your life,” he quips without missing a beat.

“I’m a girl.” The one who was just trying to flirt with him now looks at me with drunken lust filling her hooded gaze.

“Not you,” I snap before looking back at one of my best friends. “Angie Reece.”

The power could have just been cut, and Holt wouldn’t have reacted. Not when his glare intensifies on me.

“What do you want with her?” With his arms crossed, he leans against the back counter where all the liquor is on display.

“Oh God. Not you too.” Whining, I brace myself against the bar top, looking down on the worn grain I had to polish once after we broke in on a Sunday to play pool.

“Yeah, me too.” He grunts. “I think there are a hell of a lot of women here you can pick from. Leave that one alone.”

“Come on, Holt. You know me. The more I’m told I can’t have something, the more I want it.” My smile is still forced as I beam it up at him.

“Not this time.” He doesn’t budge.

I’m about ready to drill into him that I could be a changed man, and I have no interest in the quick fuck.

My mouth is opened and primed to tell him, so when there’s a tap on my shoulder, I say, “I told you I’m not—” As I swing around to tell the co-ed off, my rebuff dies on my lips when I see Angie standing there. Her hair looks a little more tousled than it did when I had her pinned to her truck, and if I’m not mistaken, there’s mischief dancing in her enchanting eyes. “Angie.”

“Wanna dance?” I’ve heard plenty of sex-charged voices in my adult life, but there’s something different to Angie’s. Instantly, I feel like I’ll go insane if I don’t have her pulled close to me.


“Fuck, yeah.” I don’t allow Holt to be the Debbie Downer right now as I shove away from the bar and don’t stop until I’m in her space. Intimidating as it might be, it’s sexy as fuck when she doesn’t even flinch back at my sudden invasion. “Lead the way, beautiful.”

I claim her smaller hand, then turn her, and we head off. I don’t know what caused the sudden change, but I won’t argue with her.

There’s a sway I didn’t notice earlier to her hips as she leads the way. I can’t wait to push her ass against my straining dick and let her grind against me to the music.

Thank fuck it’s an Eric Church song.

When we reach where she’s deemed good enough, I do just that. Whipping her hair over one shoulder, I drop my lips to the exposed column of her neck.

No sweat yet allows me to taste her pure and unfiltered.

One song bleeds into another. Somehow, the radio or whatever Holt has for the music has a sense that we need sexy right now. Soon, she turns in my arms, pressing those mouthwatering tits against my firm chest as she forgets all about the guy she was dancing with and gives in to what I felt with her when I picked up Ridge the first time.

No drinks needed; I’m drunk on her.

My hands run up and down her body, getting a feel for her until suddenly she’s looking up at me. The difference between the hooded gaze of the co-ed and the one Angie’s giving me is mountain ranges and mole hills.
