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I know how to make an entrance. That’s one thing that’ll never change about me.

Mom buries her face into her hands as she shakes her head. I can’t tell if she’s trying to hide in embarrassment or if she’s covering her laughter. I’m sure it’s the latter because her shoulders shake.

Valerie’s face turns red as she covers her son’s ears, but it’s too late. Ridge has already heard me loud and clear and finds it funny. Will’s standing behind his wife and son, glaring at me over their heads.

And then there’s Dad. He stands off to the side of the rest, his usual stern expression directed right at me. He’s the first to fully bounce back from my remark and make his way over to me. There’s no hug because that isn’t who my dad is. Instead, he grabs my bag from me. “Glad to finally have you back for good, son.”

“Thank you, sir.” I may be the jokester, but I’ve always had the utmost respect for my parents.

“I can rest at ease now.” Mom’s loving arms wrap around my middle. Before I left, she could rope them around me and clasp her hands behind my back. Now, with the muscle and bulk I’ve put on, her hands can only rest on my lower back a good inch away from the other.

“I don’t know how much rest you’ll get with him home, Mom.” Will steals me away from her and gives me a one-armed embrace. “Welcome home, little brother.”

“Thanks, Will.” I’m no sooner released from him when my nephew sprints to me. I barely managed to catch him before he body-slams into me. “Whoa there, little man.”

Pushing him away to get a better look at him, I take in that he’s grown a lot since the last time I saw him. Every ounce of baby fat has gone from his face, and pretty soon, he’ll match my mom and his in height.

“Looks like I won’t be calling you little man anymore,” I quip.

“I’m glad you’re home, Uncle Chase.” Unlike my surly dad, my nephewisa hugger. He’s gotten stronger as well, based on his embrace.

“I’m glad to be home, Ridge.” Letting go, I look at my dad, who’s itching to get out of here. “What do ya say we hit the road? I’m sure Grandpa has things he needs to get done back home.”

Having my family around me, we follow my dad out to the vehicles and hop in to head home to our small-as-hell town of Centennial, Montana.

“I’m going to ride with your parents.” Valerie huffs.

“Val, where’s the love, sister?” She’s the only one to keep her distance from me during this little reunion. That might be because she still views me as immature and a bad influence on her son.

She would be correct, but she’s also family.

“Chase.” She nods to me, then keeps on walking.

“You wound me, Val. We’re family. Don’t I get one little hug? I promise to behave.” I won’t, and she knows it, but she humors me anyway.

“Fine.” Rolling her eyes, she quickly hugs and pats me on the back. She gets into my mom’s car before I can lick the side of her face. “Don’t talk dirty in front of my son, Chase.” If her fingers could detach and launch at me like a mini torpedo, my head would be blown the fuck off.

“I promise.” Crossing my fingers behind my back, I can hear Ridge trying to cover his laughter somewhere behind me.

Her eyes pinch, and then she slams the back door shut, her threat filling the air around me. She would have to get up early to exact any revenge on me. Only one woman can get to me, and I’m not too worried about that little snowflake right now.

There’s no way Duke would let Patience try anything while she’s pregnant. That will help me rest in peace tonight. Valerie won’t be going to Patience for ahiton me anytime soon.

Turning back to my nephew and letting him guide me to my brother’s truck, I smile down at him. “When did you decide to grow up?”

“About six months ago.” Will answers for his son. “He rivals you in the amount of food he can put away now. Our grocery bill has doubled.”

“Ridge comes from good stock.” Clipping my nephew on the shoulder, I pull him to my side. His mom can’t stand that after carrying and delivering him, he came out lookingandacting a lot like me. He’s just better at school than I ever was.

“Pretty soon, I’ll be able to beat you.” Ridge challenges from the back seat once we’re in the truck.

Turning around to face him, I try not to laugh. He’s still a little guy, but I don’t want to break his hopes and goals no matter how violent they are toward me. “Once I get settled, I’ll work with you on some combat tricks I learned. How does that sound?”


“Val willloveyou for sure, then,” Will grumbles.

“Isn’t that what uncles are for? Teaching their nephews or nieces shit their dad can’t because they fear the wrath of their woman too much?” The only answer I get is a slug to the arm. “Shithead.”
