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“Not even three days out of the Army, and you’re a pussy now?” he teases.

Do I acknowledge him and jab?

No, I don’t. Instead, I focus on my nephew. I’ve missed so much of his life and plan on making up for it now. “Be glad you don’t have any siblings.”

I feel like shit when I see his expression fall. That was one thing he always wanted. Birthday wishes, wish bones broken, and letters to Santa all asked the same, but try as they might—and I’m sure they tried a lot—Will and Val have not had another child.

“So…” Clearing my throat, I change the subject to something I’m far more comfortable with. “Have you broken any hearts yet?”

His blush is all I need to know of his innocence.

Well, that’s refreshing.

He’s eleven, nearly twelve, and still innocent. That’s something rare in this crazy world. I’m sure keeping him busy with work out at the ranch and schooling and sports leaves him little time to think about girls.

Good job, Val.

My sister-in-law and I may not see eye to eye most of the time, but I’m glad she’s a great mom to my nephew.

“What, no girls chasing after you to get your attention?” His blush deepens. He doesn’t look at me or give me a verbal answer. “Come on, a good-looking young man such as yourself has no girls pining after you?”

“Val won’t allow it.” Will answers once more for my suddenly shy nephew.

Don’t lose that because you never get it back once it's gone, kid.

“Good for her.” I snort, turning back to face the road. “You don’t have any teachers you’re crushing on, then, are you?”

If any of his teachers look like the ones I had, there would be no crushes to worry about.

“There’s one,” he whispers minutes later, causing will to nearly lose control of the truck. I can’t spin around fast enough.

“Really?” Mischief lights up behind my eyes. If she’s cute enough for my nephew to have a little crush on, then maybe she’s worth his uncle to get to know.

“Who, Ridge? Why is this the first time I’ve heard about it?” Will commands.

Ridge looks down at his hands and blushes again. “It’s Ms. Reece.”

“Reece?” I turn back to face the front and look over at my brother. “Why does that name sound familiar?”

A grin spreads across his face now. “I know the teacher, nice pair of legs.” He looks back at his son through the rearview mirror. “Not a word of this gets back to your mother.”

“No, sir.” Ridge’s eyes are as wide as saucers as he shakes his head. He doesn’t want his mom to know about his crush as much as his dad doesn’t want her to know about his comment.

“Who is she?” I hedge.

“She’s closer to your age and Ridge’s math teacher. Good eye, son,” he boasts proudly.

Uncle Chase will have to pay a visit to the junior high.

Chapter Two


“For tonight, I would like you to do all the odd problems one through thirty-one.” A solid chorus of moans and whines erupts behind me as I write their assignment on the board. “I know, I’m a total fun sucker, but I was your age once and remember every textbook had the even answers in the back.” Turning around to face my class, I smile warmly. “And I’ve checked these books. They aren’t any different.”

I learned quickly during my first year of teaching last year that it did no good getting angry with the kids regarding their homework. It’s far easier to get them to just do it, and I have a higher success rate if I smile and joke around with them.

“Emily; you, Dana, and Wade will be the ones leading review groups tomorrow.” I also learned that if I give the kids a chance to discuss how they solved their math problems at home in small groups the next day, their test scores were better as well.
