Page 43 of Regaining Integrity

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Slowly, he sinks into my body, stretching me perfectly painfully until he’s settled deep within. He takes several deep breaths, doing his best to keep his need to go harder under control.

I fall apart, melting off the four-wheeler as he slowly works over my body. It isn’t the all-consuming passion he gave me the other night in my apartment. It’s deeper than just rushing to get to a release.

He takes his time, each hard and equally gentle thrust bringing us both closer to a release neither have had before. My pussy clenches and tightens around him, making it harder to move. His jaw sets, and through the slits of my eyes, I watch as he gets closer to falling apart over me.

It jacks up my own orgasm.

“Ch-Chase!” I pant, my nails finding the flesh of his forearms and digging in as my easy yet powerful orgasm takes over me.

“Angelica!” He grunts, stiffening and hovering over me, his release filling the condom between us as we cry out.

Chapter Twenty-Three


The stars shining over us is the world’s best and most natural blanket surrounding us. I’m lying under them as comfortably as we possibly can be on my four-wheeler. Angie is nestled on top of me, her brown hair loose and floating around us whenever the breeze picks up.

I’ve never felt more content in my life.

When I was younger, I would come out here on horse—before my dad finally got on the bandwagon of using four-wheelers—to sit under the stars and wonder where life would take me. I may have been a fun-loving kid, but in the hours I had to myself, I would think of things no one would ever guess would come to my mind.

I wondered where life would take me once I was out of school and my friends moved away like I always knew they would. I was scared of not functioning out there without all of them around all the time. That’s what drove me to the Army; to do my best to prove I had what it took to be without my band of troublemaking misfits.

I accomplished a great deal. I survived boot camp, training for hours on end when I honestly wasn’t sure if I could, and then war when I again wasn’t certain I would ever make it back home.

And I did.

I made it back to the only home I would ever want to return to. I don’t feel the disconnect some do after seeing what a large majority of us have, and I feel blessed to be one of those few who don’t have nightmares. I don’t even have to find something to keep me busy. My dad has plenty for me to do from the time the sun is up to well after it goes down. The only thing I’m struggling with isnothaving the time to work out.

“Ranch work is a good enough of a workout, Chase. I’ve never worked out a day in my life in a gym, and I’m doing just fine.”Dad emphasized his point by flexing his arms and then going right back to lifting square bales off the flatbed trailer.

“I smell smoke.” Her nimble fingers don’t stop toying with the zipper of my jacket. I put it back on once the heat between us cooled but left it unzipped so my body heat could blend and heat with hers.

I sniff the air, but I can’t catch what she must. I’ve heard women have a better sense of smell than men. “The wind must be carrying some of the bonfire’s smoke over to us.”

“No.” Her head shakes. “It’s coming from under me.” Finally, she turns with a smirk spreading across her face. I’m confused for the briefest of moments before it comes to me. “There ya go,” she teases.

“My mind doesnotsmoke when I’m thinking. I’m pretty fucking smart, thank you very much.”

“I’m sure you are.” She continues to tease me, her grin growing. My eyes narrow playfully at her. I dig my fingers into her sides, earning a little yelp that transforms into a giggle.

“I’m a goddamn genius, woman.” I mock snarl while taking a nip at her ear. “That’s why the guys and my brother were always jealous.”

“Right.” Her head turns back to lie flat on my chest. The beat of my heart resembles what an earthquake may feel like. I don’t know. I’ve never been in one before.

“Well, that and my impressive dick.” Her head whips back up, and I can see the blush spread across her cheeks even in the moonlight.

But she only shrugs. “I can’t say I would know the answer to that.”

Possessiveness, something I have only felt for toys as a kid, floods me. The grip I have on her sides tightens. “And it’ll stay that way.” I growl at her this time because I’m not fucking kidding around.

The old me would have taken this one of two ways. One way is seeing it as her trying to change my ways, and the other as her trying to stake a claim on me through her teasing, something I never really wanted to happen.

Until now.

Kissing the top of her head, I inhale the sweet, pure scent of Angelica Reece. “I have no problem being just with you, Angelica,” I murmur, needing her to know this truth, all teasing aside.

“I’m glad to hear that.” Her chest expands as she takes a deep breath.
