Page 87 of The Forever Promise

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She responded immediately.Thanks!See u soon!

The wedding was that afternoon. I trudged to my bedroom so Midge could do my hair and makeup.

“Chloe Windsor!” Her tone was scolding, her eyes wide as she stuffed me into the makeup chair. “You didnottell me about that dress! It just got delivered today. Holy hell, it’s a hot one!” She fanned herself.

“Oh…thanks.” I actually hated the dress. It was red, the color of evil. Of course, Gene Windsor had picked it out. Maybe the color wasn’t really the problem!

“We have to do stick-straight hair to go with that dress. I want it to swish. I want people to go bananas.” She turned the flat iron to hot and let it sit for a minute. “Are you excited about tonight? I love weddings.”

“Me too,” I lied. All I did anymore, it seemed like, was lie. “I can’t wait.”

“Chloe.” Midge furrowed her brow as she dotted some concealer under my eyes. “I’m not trying to pry, but you don’t really seem like yourself these last couple of days. I thought you did so good on that talk show. I don’t know—I thought you’d be relieved when it was over. And now there’s no more pictures of stupid ‘Brylecia’ on the internet. But you seem more upset than ever.”

I sighed. Midge was my friend; she’d gotten to know me too well. “I guess I’m still just feeling raw from everything, you know? There’s a lot going on with the investigation. Bryce is under a lot of pressure. I feel like I’m hurting, not helping.”

“What do you mean?” She applied my foundation with a pouffy brush.

“It’s just that… I love him, you know? And I know the whole thing with Felicia seems like it’s blown over, but… I don’t know ifI’mover it. It’s still making me feel crazy.”

“Okay. Tell Midge more—go on.”

I needed to fine-tune this part. Gene had been specific, but Gene was good at being a dick and making money—hewasn’tgood at people and feelings. “It’s just that she hurt me, you know? The press blew the whole thing out of proportion, but Felicia had a part to play. She wanted my husband—I’m worried she still wants him. And I know she’s going to be at the wedding tonight. Ugh, it’s making me feel sick that I have to be at an event with her.”

“You have the hottest dress on earth,” Midge offered. “So there’s that. And if you see her, maybe just ignore her. There’s nothing she can do to you, Chloe. Just be the bigger person. Let it go. She’s not worth it.”

I nodded. Shewasn’tworth it.

But that didn’t mean I was allowed to let it go.



I totteredoutside to meet the others. Bryce, Olivia Jensen, Daphne, Jake, and Colby waited on the dock. There was a large team of security guards, too—the wedding was going to be crowded. It was the event of the season.

Bryce stared at me, his mouth agape. I wasn’t sure if that was good or bad.

Daphne was the first one to break the silence. “Damn, Chloe.” She eyed my dress. “Are you trying to get arrested tonight?”

“Ha! Not exactly. Your dress is pretty, Daphne. I love you in pink.” I managed to make it over to Bryce without falling off the dock, no small feat in my sky-high heels.

He continued to gape at me.

“You look too handsome in that tux,” I finally said.

“You look…” His gaze raked over me. “I don’t know. I might need you to put on my jacket, babe.”


“I’m not kidding.” From his tone, it was obvious that he was not, in fact, kidding.

“Don’t be silly.” I nudged him playfully. But the fact was, I wished I could wear his jacket. The “dress” Gene had chosen for me was several scraps of crimson material sewn together. The top piece was comprised of red triangles that covered my breasts; they tied together in the back like a bikini. The top connected to the bottom portion, a long, fitted skirt, by a tiny tab in the front. My back was entirely bare down to the top of my ass. My sides were also wholly exposed, my skin glistening in the late-afternoon sun.

Jake and Colby did not look at me, not once. “Hey guys.”

“Hey Chloe.” They both seemed really interested in staring at the ocean.

“That’s quite the dress.” Olivia Jensen was beside me, checking out the back, making me feel exposed under her curious inspection. “No offense, but it doesn’t really scream ‘wedding guest.’ How come you chose it?”
