Page 88 of The Forever Promise

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I wanted to tell her the truth: Gene Windsor had picked out the dress because he thought it made me look like I was trying too hard. That’s what he was going for, and that’s exactly what he had achieved. The gown left nothing to the imagination. “Um, I thought it was pretty. And different, you know?”

“It’s definitely different.” Olivia herself wore a classy aqua dress that covered her shoulders. She looked pretty and understated, which was perfect for a wedding. Daphne’s dress was a little more daring—formfitting, with a plunging back—but it was still rated PG.

My dress was R. Or maybe NC-17 if that was still even a thing.

“Anyway! Looking forward to this wedding. Should be fun,” I lied again.

“I’m keeping you under my arm all night.” He eyed the back of the dress. “And maybe in front of me.”

“Ha! Sounds good to me.” We filed onto the boat, and Captain Johnny headed out into the harbor. The paparazzi boats followed us, the photographers’ zoom lenses pointed in our direction, but I no longer cared. Let them take pictures, let them take all the pictures. That was what Gene wanted, wasn’t it?

The men were having drinks below deck. “When are they bringing the charges against Dad? I feel like this whole thing’s been hurry-up-and-wait,” Jake said. “I don’t say this often, but I actually feel bad for him. It must be a lot of pressure.”

“He’s handling it as well as can be expected,” Bryce said. “As soon as they bring charges, he’s going to be taken into custody. I don’t think he’s in any real rush for that to happen.”

“How is he doing with the transfer?” Colby asked. “I can’t get him to talk to me—I don’t really have a sense of how he’s doing.”

“He’s not happy about it.” Bryce had a sip of his drink. “But he knows I have the company’s best interests at heart. He knows I’ll do my best and that I understand how much it means to him that I keep growing our business. I’m really hoping that you two want to have a more active role.”

“I’d love that,” Jake said immediately.

“Me too. Wow, I’m honored.” Colby raised his glass, and they all toasted.

Seeing Bryce with his brothers, and hearing their plans to work together, warmed my heart.Thiswas why I wanted to protect his position with the company—because he was the right person to lead. He would be a great CEO. He would take care of his brothers. He would steer Windsor Enterprises through a difficult time, which would be better for everyone.

“Iknow why you picked that dress.” Daphne sidled up next to me. “It’s because you know that bitch Felicia Jones is going to be at the wedding. You’re going to show her up, am I right?”

“Maybe.” I smiled at her. “If she says anything to me, hold my drink—I’m not going to take it anymore!”

“That’s my girl.” Daphne beamed at me. “She deserves it. But she probably won’t say anything. I heard she’s bringing that guitarist as her date. She’s finally moved on!”

When my smile faltered, Daphne nudged me. “That’s good news, right? Don’t tell me you were looking for a fight.”

“Ha! No, of course not.” Another lie.

I was quiet as we reached Spruce Island, quiet as we climbed onto the enormous jeep-truck that chauffeured us to the venue, a gorgeous private estate overlooking the ocean. We went through security, had our pictures taken for identification purposes, and put our eyes up to some sort of retina scanner. “VeryJason Bourne,” Colby said, impressed. Finally, we were allowed into the space where the ceremony would be held.

There was seating for four hundred guests across the gorgeous grounds, all in neat lines. The altar was at the front, the ocean rolling behind it. It was the perfect view. The sun was shining, and there was a breeze; it was literally the best day of the summer. I’d never been to a wedding like this before. I was overwhelmed by the sheer number of guests, everyone decked out in their tuxedos, the women in pretty dresses. It immediately became apparent that my dress was woefully out of place. The other female guests looked pretty; I looked vulgar.

I sat next to Bryce in our pew, relieved that he was shielding me. I didn’t want to be exposed. I didn’t want anything to do with this wedding, so I was happy to sit by my husband’s side while I could.

“You’re awfully quiet tonight,” Bryce said. “I’m sorry that I’ve been so busy. I feel like I haven’t talked to you in days.”

“Don’t be sorry.” I rested my head against his shoulder, soaking up the feeling of being with him. I would pay for this later when I was alone—the indiscretion of letting myself feel my feelings. It was going to hurt so bad. But I was powerless to stop myself; I wanted to be close while I could.

“I’m so proud of you,” I said. “I know you’re going to do an amazing job as CEO. I know it’s been stressful, but you’re doing so good, babe.”

“Aw… Thank you.” A smile broke out over his face, and it was like the sun coming out. “I love you, Chloe.”

“I love you, too.”

I basked in his love, his attention, his warmth. I vowed to remember this moment and savor it during the hard times, the times I knew were coming.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a flicker of long, dark hair. Felicia Jones walked down the aisle to her seat, hips swaying beneath her beautiful lavender gown. She was holding hands with a handsome guy in a black tux. He had a tattoo on the back of his neck, a cross. He said something to her, and she threw her head back, laughing, as though she didn’t have a care in the world.

Bryce caught me staring. “She’s dating Finn Ryder again. See? It all worked out the way it was supposed to.”

“You’re right,” I lied again. “You’re absolutely right.”
