Page 15 of The Forever Vow

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I knew that Gene wouldn’t let me have this—not for long. But I had my husband for now, and I didn’t want to waste a moment of it.

I also ignored that our weekend was coming to an end. I’d been so angry about being forced to go, but all resistance had melted away. I wanted nothing more than to stay in our happy bubble, separated from the rest of the world.

The morning of our return flight, we sat out on the pool deck under an umbrella. “Huh.” Bryce peered at his phone. “I’m surprised to see this.”

“What?” He handed it to me—there was a picture of his brother, Colby, walking the beach with an attractive blond woman. “I thought Olivia Jensen told your brothers no dating right now.” She’d also told them they both had to get married sooner rather than later. Neither Jake nor Colby was happy about any of it!

Bryce took the phone back and frowned at it. “She did. I don’t know who the blond is. I’ll talk to him about it tonight.”

My stomach dropped. As much as I wanted to go back and see my brother, I was in no rush to return to reality. “How do you feel about going to work tomorrow?”

As he sat back in his lounger, Bryce reached for my hand. “I feel better about everything now. It’ll be fine.”

I squeezed his fingers, but then I had that Sunday-night ‘I forgot to do my homework” feeling. “Crap! Olivia Jensen asked me to take pictures of us and send them to her.”

“She’s a pain in the ass, but come here.” Bryce pulled me onto his lap and held up his phone. “Let’s just get it over with. She’s easier to deal with head-on.”

We smiled for our pictures and then held hands down to the beach. We snapped more selfies with the turquoise water in the background. Bryce wrapped his arm around me, pulling me against his big chest, and I couldn’t help but smile. “This has been a great weekend,” I admitted.

Bryce kissed the top of my head. “Next time, I won’t kidnap you.”

“Ha.”But what if Gene makes me leave once and for all?

I shoved the thought away and clung to my husband.

“Listen.” He nuzzled his face against my neck, his scruffy beard tickling my bare skin. “Things are going to be busy for me when we get back. That’s part of the reason why I wanted this weekend with you. I need to know that we’re okay—thatyou’reokay.”

“I’m okay.”Right now, here with you, all is well in my world.

“What about when we go back? Are you going to have a hard time at the house?”

“I don’t think so…” I hesitated for a moment. “What’s it going to be like? Are the paparazzi going to be everywhere still?”

“I don’t think the coverage will be as intense. There’s going to be a lot of focus on the investigation, and more about the upcoming trial.”

I nodded. “But Olivia’s working for your father. So there’s still a script to follow.” I was concerned about what, exactly, my role would be in all this. Previously, Olivia had orchestrated dramatic run-ins with Bryce’s ex in order to generate interest from the press. I couldn’t deal with any more Felicia-Jones drama!

“I’m sure there will be. But we’re not getting involved in any more drama—I already told our team that. I’m going to work, and you’re staying home. I’ll be working remotely most of the time, but I might have to do some traveling. Will you come with me?”

“Of course.” My heart lifted a little. As long as I didn’t let myself think about Gene’s threats, the idea of being back with Bryce was wonderful. “I’d like that.”

“So… Are we okay?” He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. “You seem more like yourself now that we’ve been… You know.” He playfully arched an eyebrow.

“Ha.” I buried my face against his chest, inhaling his spicy, masculine scent mixed with the balmy ocean air. “I do feel better.”

“Me too.” Bryce tightened his embrace. “But I have to ask, are you staying? I can’t handle you running out on me again, Chloe. There’s too much at stake, and I’m not just talking about business.”

“Yes. I’m staying, Bryce. You have my word.” I’d been selfish, letting myself pretend all weekend. Why stop now?

“I’m glad to hear it, Mrs. Windsor.” He pressed his cheek against mine.

I held onto the man I loved for dear life, wishing the moment would never end. But deep down, I knew that the comfort and happiness I felt had an expiration date.

There was no such thing as a happy ending for a girl like me.

* * *

The good news? The security guard who’d threatened to tape my mouth shut wasnoton our flight back to Bar Harbor.
