Page 16 of The Forever Vow

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The bad news? Once we arrived home, I was officially in Gene Windsor’s territory. And that was not a safe place to be.

Still, Maine looked different when we arrived. The colors were brighter than when I’d left three days ago, the mountains more majestic, the water more clear and pristine. I coined it “The Bryce Effect.” Everything looked better now that I was back in my husband’s arms.

Once we disembarked the plane, my internet service was unfortunately strong. I had a ton of emails, calls, and texts download as soon as we were on the road back to Northeast Harbor. There was a message from Elena (I’m so glad you came to your senses!) and another from Olivia Jensen (More bikini pics, pls). Akira had left me a weary-sounding voicemail, instructing me to call her once I was back in the States. I decided to wait until I settled in—it would be easier to tell her once it was official.

Bryce was on the phone with board members during both the car and boat ride from the Bar Harbor airport, but I didn’t mind. I snuggled against him, happy that we were going home, grateful that I’d be reunited with my brother soon, relieved that Gene Windsor seemed to have forgotten about me for a couple of days.

Still, I was nervous about returning to Somes Island, the private island where Bryce and his father each had homes. When I’d left, I’d woken up half the staff in the middle of the night in my attempt to escape. And I’d turned to Bryce’s maid, Hazel—of all people—to help me. I had no idea how I’d be received or if the staff would treat me like a pariah.

But Captain Johnny gave us a friendly smile as we boarded theJules, Bryce’s pristine boat. The older gentleman didn’t say another word, bless his heart. I was thrilled Bryce hadn’t fired him—he’d been the one to whisk me and Noah off-island in the middle of the night after (lots) of begging.

Much to my surprise, the staff was waiting for us once we landed and climbed up to the house from the private dock. “Mr. Windsor, Mrs. Windsor.” Several of the maids, dressed in their immaculate uniforms, bowed at us. Midge took it one step further and hustled over, knocking me off balance with a huge hug. “I’m so glad you’re here,” she whispered in my ear.

Hazel was waiting, too. “Mrs. Windsor.” She bowed her head. Bryce’s most loyal, and longest-term, employee was dressed as usual in her stiffly ironed maid’s uniform, her spindly legs encased in black stockings. Her thin, dyed-black hair was pulled up into a bun, and her lined lips were puckered.

She raised her head, her cool inspecting me. “We’re happy to have you back.”

I blinked at her, surprised and embarrassed. “H-Hi Hazel. Thank you.”

Chef kissed his fingers and declared that we would have a feast that evening in my honor. “Nada sofisticado,” he said. “That means ‘nothing too fancy.’ I know how you are.”

The kind welcome, which I felt I didn’t deserve, warmed my heart. “Thank you. It’s nice to be home.”

“Noah’s around the corner with Boss.” Midge nodded toward the side of the house. “Dale bought him a drone. They’re trying to train the puppy to fetch from it.”

“Oh jeez,” I groaned.

Bryce, still on the phone, quickly kissed my cheek. “Go see your brother. I’ll meet you inside,” he mouthed.

“Okay.” I smiled at him, and it was a dangerously genuine smile. How could it not be? We were home on his tiny, gorgeous island in Maine, the sun was shining, and his staff had welcomed me back with open arms. Since my mother died, I hadn’t felt at peace anywhere. But now Bryce’s mega-mansion was familiar and comforting, even though living in such an opulent residence was still foreign to me. It was the people that made me feel at home.

I headed around the corner, the ocean wind whipping my ponytail as I inhaled the familiar, heady scent of the brisk Maine ocean. Exuma was beautiful, but nothing quite compared to Maine—the rolling green lawn spread out before me, the dark blue-green waves crashed against the rocky shore, and an eagle soared toward the woods. The surroundings were awe-inspiring. Tears pricked my eyes as I spotted Noah out on the grass with Dale, flying a drone, Boss the puppy jumping up and down excitedly.

How could I have taken Noah away from all of this?

What if I had to do it again?

“Chloe—hey!” A familiar voice called out, interrupting my troubled thoughts. Bryce’s youngest brother, Colby, had his arm around an attractive blond woman as they headed up from the beach.

Colby wore a sweatshirt, a pair of golf shorts, and his usual grin. The baby of the family, he was usually in good spirits and often had a twinkle in his eye. Colby was shorter than Bryce but was still six feet tall. He had one lone dimple, blue eyes, and enormous shoulders. With his tousled hair and chiseled good looks, he was every inch a Windsor.

The young woman accompanying him was stunning, with long, thick blond hair, brown eyes, a light tan, and a curvy, athletic build. She wore denim short-shorts and a formfitting tank that showed off her figure. She had that white, rich, All-American look going like she was a head cheerleader, the president of her sorority, and an Instagram influencer all rolled into one.

“I was worried you weren’t coming back.” He grinned at me.

“Guess I can’t stay away.” I gave him a quick hug. “How are you?”

“Okay, even though Dad got taken into custody yesterday.” He scrubbed a hand over his eyes for a moment.

“I know—I’m so sorry.”

“Thank you. That means a lot.” He shook it off and smiled again. “Hey, this is my friend, Tate. Tate, this is Chloe, my brother Bryce’s wife.”

“Nice to see you.” She gave me a dazzling smile and a firm handshake.

“Nice to meet you. Do you live up here? Or are you visiting?” I was still surprised that Olivia Jensen had allowed Colby to start seeing someone. She’d been dead-set against the younger Windsor men dating anyone new while the press was still swarming the family.

“I’m from Boston.” Her gaze flicked down me, taking in every inch with her cool stare.
