Page 19 of The Forever Vow

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“A couple of months.” She grinned. “Stupid Michael Jones still won’t speak to me, so I had my lawyers send him an offer.”

Daphne was married to Gene Windsor, but she’d had a brief affair with Micheal Jones, Felicia’s father. Michael Jones was also married. The whole thing was a mess. Daphne had planned to leave Gene for Michael, but he’d ghosted her and decided to stay with his wife. In the end, Gene had agreed to remain married to Daphne—at least for the moment.

Growing up, I thought rich people didn’t have any problems. That their lives were perfect. It turned out they were just as messed up, if not more so, than the rest of us!

“If he waives all parental rights,” she continued, “I’ll accept ten million dollars in a lump-sum child support payment. Gene thinks I’m lowballing him, but whatever. I just want to be done with it. He’s never going to leave his wife, you know? These old bastards say one thing when they want something from you, but it’s another story once the wife finds out.”

I laughed. “You haven’t changed much since we last talked.” Daphne’s morals were downright questionable, but at least she was honest about who she was. “How are you holding up with Gene being arrested?”

“Not great.” She sighed and sat down next to me. “You know what’s weird?”

I shook my head.

“I’m worried about him.” Daphne wrinkled her nose. “He’s been so miserable these last few days, I felt sorry for him. He almost seemed human.”

“Huh.” That had certainlynotbeen my experience with Gene. I longed to ask for her help with him, but I was too afraid to speak out.

“Have you seen Colby’s new girlfriend?” Daphne asked.

“I just met her.”

She arched an eyebrow. “I’ve personally seenallof her. They were having sex in one of the private cabanas at the pool club the first day they met! We would’ve gotten thrown out if we didn’t own the place!”

“What do you know about her?” I asked.

She grimaced. “Not much. She works fast, though. She hasn’t even been around for a whole week, and she’s already got her claws into Colby. He can’t keep his hands off her. Olivia Jensen’s having a fit, but Colby said he didn’t care. He won’t break up with her. He told me he wasseriousabout her. Since when has he been serious about anything?”

“I don’t know.” I had an uneasy feeling about the relationship, which just added to my big, fat pile of things to worry about at the moment.

“Anyway, I have to get going. See you tonight?” She hopped up, fit and sprightly as ever.

“Are we having dinner?”

Daphne tilted her head at me. “We’re going to the Nguyen’s for an end-of-the-summer soiree. Didn’t Bryce tell you? Everyone’s going to be there—including the Joneses. I better go pick out something to wear. Mimi Jones is going to be up my ass. See you!”

“Yes, see you,” I said weakly. I hadn’t been back on the island for an hour, and I was already overwhelmed. Dinner at Kelli and Kenji Nguyen’s? With the Jones family, not to mention the rest of Mount Desert Island society? I’d only run out on my husband a week ago after brawling with Felicia Jones at that wedding…Ugh!Maybe Bryce wouldn’t make me go. But Daphne sounded pretty sure of herself.

I quietly entered the house and crept along the corridor, eager to be alone in my room. Bryce was probably in his office on a call. The halls were blessedly silent, and I made it to the primary suite undetected. Inside, I closed the door and sank down onto the bed, inhaling the scent of Bryce’s sheets. No matter what—no matter the price I’d eventually have to pay—it was good to be back.

My phone buzzed with a text from an unknown number.

Mr. Windsor has an urgent message for you. Click the below link.

I stared at the screen. Had I just said it was good to be back?

Obviously, I’d spoken too soon.




I didn’t immediately hitthe button. I sat on the bed, heart pounding, wondering what the hell I’d gotten myself into.

There was only one way to find out.

The link brought me to another video, but this time it was a well-dressed, dark-skinned woman with gray hair and designer eyeglasses who addressed me. “Good afternoon, Mrs. Windsor. I’m Attorney Finley, part of Gene Windsor’s legal team. I want you to understand that I have attorney-client privilege with Mr. Windsor. I am acting on my client’s behalf. As a result, I cannot be prosecuted or deemed in violation of any state or federal laws, ordinances, or regulations as a result of this electronic transmission.”
