Page 20 of The Forever Vow

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But Attorney King talked over me—it was a prerecorded message. “I also want to state that the opinions and statements I am communicating via this message are solely the opinions and statements of my client. I am not legally responsible or liable for any of these opinions or statements. That being said, here is the message from my client.”

She looked straight into the screen. “You will attend the Nguyen’s party tonight. You will behave yourself—no drinking, fighting, or contact with Felicia Jones. Not so much as a scowl. You will dress appropriately and stand by your husband’s side all night.”

She cleared her throat. “My client wants to know who Colby’s new girlfriend is. Talk to her, find out as much information as possible, and meet with Olivia Jensen first thing in the morning. He expects a full report.”

I wondered what Gene would think of the fact that Tate was an escort. I didn’t know if he knew aboutme… Oh my goodness, this was getting complicated. My head was spinning.

“There is one other thing,” Attorney Finley continued. “It’s imperative that you understand your place in all of this. You are more my client’s employee than you are his son’s wife. That is the only reason he’s allowed you to come back. Your work for him, and you’d do well to remember that even though he’s on the sidelines, he’s still the one calling the plays.”

The attorney blinked—she looked as if she was waking up from a Gene-Windsor-induced trance. “That’s all, Mrs. Windsor. Please close this link and clear your search history. We’ll be in touch again soon.” The screen went blank.

I did as I was told, clearing out the search history and texting Olivia to make an early-morning appointment. She texted back immediately.It’s about time! I will also see you at the party tonight. Please wear something appropriate!

My head thudded with the beginning of a headache. There was too much to consider. I lay down, trying to organize my thoughts.

Although he was “on the sidelines,” Gene Windsor was still a considerable threat. He’d allowed me to come back, but now I was—for all intents and purposes—basically his bitch. I couldn’t say no to him, and I couldn’t tell Bryce the truth for fear of Gene retaliating: I was backed into a corner. Reporting on Colby’s new “girlfriend” was one thing, but what else would Gene ask me to do?

Next on the list was the mysterious Tate. Who had hired her? If it wasn’t Gene, the next obvious choice was Felicia Jones. But why would Bryce’s ex hire an escort to infiltrate the Windsors? Was it just to torture me? Felicia certainly had the means to hire an investigator to learn more about me. But if she had, why now? And what was the goal?

I wanted to tell Bryce about Tate immediately, but again, she’d threatened to come out and tell the press the truth about me. I had my husband’s reputation to think about. If Tate went public with the news that I’d worked for AccommoDating, it would irrevocably damage Bryce’s position with the company.

Finally, I still needed to worry about my step-monster Lydia and my father. Gene had said they were already on his payroll. I had zero idea what they might do. They might be satisfied if they had enough money to stay in rent and booze. But Lydia was greedy and vindictive. She knew the Windsors were a goldmine; I had little hope that she’d be satisfied with a lifetime supply of boxed wine.

I pulled the covers up to my chin. How was it, I wondered, that I’d accumulated so many freaking enemies in such a short time?

But it wasn’t really me that they were after—it was the Windsors’ money, influence, and power. Bryce was the acting CEO of Windsor Enterprises now. He was a billionaire. Being married to him meant that I was somebody. Whereas before, as Chloe Burke of East Boston, people could’ve cared less whether I lived or died—my own father included. But being Bryce’s wife meant that I had access to unlimited money, life-changing money.

Gene Windsor wanted to protect that money and control his family.

Lydia and my father wanted to get rich quick without lifting a finger.

And Tate the Escort wanted to make hay while the sun was shining, to rake in the cash while she could. As for who hired her, I would have to wait and see. If Felicia Jones was behind it, the motivation was probably to humiliate me. Or maybe she still wanted Bryce back…

The headache moved from dull to throbbing.Ugh.I had to get through the party tonight without any trouble, but all I wanted to do was pull the blankets up over my head and pretend I didn’t exist.

I quieted my mind, focused on breathing, and tried to relax. I was caught in a web that had nothing to do with me. I was a pawn. I’d come to this place to be Bryce’s wife—at the beginning of all this, I’d been hired to do a job. That had been difficult to begin with.Brycehad been difficult. But I couldn’t lie to myself; despite all the turmoil swirling around me, I was relieved to be back in Maine. There was no place I’d rather be than with my husband. That was the truth.

I just had to make sure that I didn’t do anything to hurt him.

Leaving had been bad, but now I feared that his father could make me do something worse. I had no idea what that was; I couldn’t pretend to understand Gene Windsor’s ultimate plan. It seemed to me that all he cared about was his company and his reputation, which was why he’d wanted me separated from Bryce in the first place.

So what did he want now—why the change of heart? And what would he ask of me?

I decided to approach the situation with Gene moment by moment. For now, I would go along with what he’d asked me to do. No one would be hurt by my reporting on Colby’s new girlfriend, and nothing bad would come of me wearing an appropriate dress and staying by my husband’s side all night.

But what if he asked me to do something worse?

I couldn’t imagine what that might be, but again, I wouldn’t put anything past Gene. He might get jealous of Bryce’s position in the company and want to sabotage his own son. What would I do then?

I could never, ever hurt my husband… The problem was my brother. I shivered, remembering Gene’s words.“You have a lot to lose. When I say that, I’m not just thinking of your marriage. I’m thinking of your brother.”

I was Noah’s family. I was all he had in the world. Ihadto protect him. That meant, for now, I couldn’t tell Bryce the truth. And I didn’t know when, or if, I’d be able to.

I scrunched my eyes shut and refused to think any further. I pulled the covers up, inhaling my husband’s scent.I’m safe for now. I’m with Bryce for now.

But for how much longer?
