Page 24 of The Forever Vow

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“That’s whyyouwanted to speak with her.” Midge pulled out a flowing yellow dress. “Iwanted to give her a break. She just got back. Things have been crazy.”

Hazel turned to me. “I did want to speak with you because I thought that, as the lady of the house, you might talk some sense into her.”

“Isn’t Daphne the lady of the house?” I asked.

Her nostrils flared. “The other Mrs. Windsor isn’t exactly a paradigm of reputable behavior.”

That was probably the truth. Daphnehadcheated with Micheal Jones in public, out by the bonfire at the benefit dinner we’d hosted… “What can I do to help?”

“Talk to her,” Hazel said. “Explain that this is a difficult time for the family. Maybe say that you appreciate that she and Colby are enjoying each other but that they need to be more discreet about it.”

“She might think I don’t have much room to talk.” My cheeks heated, remembering the time Bryce and I had sex in a dressing room in Northeast Harbor.

“But you and Mr. Windsor are married. Being a newlywed’s different from being…”

“A flavor of the week.” Midge approached with the yellow dress and a pair of gold-toned sandals. She held the dress up against me, then nodded her approval. “You’ll look beautiful in this.Andit’s demure.”

“It’s pretty,” I said.

She eyed my hair. “We need to deal with that before it dries more. Into the makeup chair, Mrs. Windsor.” She winked at Hazel. “You wanna say anything else?”

Hazel sighed. “Not particularly. But Mrs. Windsor, will you please update us? All of the staff feels strongly that this situation must be dealt with before the family has to endure more bad press.”

“Of course, Hazel. I’ll talk to her tonight—she might not listen, though.”

She nodded. “I appreciate it.” She clicked to the door, her spindly little legs carrying her quickly from the room.

“Sheesh, she’s a pain in the ass.” Midge stuffed me into the makeup chair and whipped out the blow dryer. “She doesn’t take no for an answer.”

“Sheisloyal to the family, though.”

“True, and I admire her for that.” Midge started brushing out my hair. “But I thought it was a big ask for us to come to you about this. You just got back.”

“I’m surprised Hazel asked me.” Actually, I was somewhat flattered. “I just don’t know if I can help.”

Midge nodded. “I think this girl’s real trouble. Chef caught her stuffing food and a couple of bottles of expensive wine into her bag. Like she was stealing, you know? He told her she could have whatever she wanted, but she acted super defensive about it.”

“Maybe she’s not used to being able to have nice things.” I could certainly relate to that. “But all the public…relations…is a problem. I can’t be having that around my brother. And Hazel’s right, we don’t need any more scandals now. I’ll try talking to her.”

In turn, Tate would probably threaten me again—or worse—but maybe I could talk some sense into her. If Colby was genuinely taken with her, maybe there could be a real future for them. Selfishly, I hoped not, but maybe Tate wasn’t as bad as she seemed.

“Enough about her—how areyou? How was the trip? Your skin is glowing, so I’m taking it as a good sign. That and all the hollering I heard coming from down the hall this afternoon.” She laughed.

“Ugh!” My cheeks burned. “Sorry about that.”

“Why, girl? I’m not! I’m so glad you’re back and that you and Mr. Windsor are happy again. He’simpossiblewhen you’re not around. Chef said he didn’t eat once. Hazel said he barely slept. He was snappy with the staff. He needs you, Chloe—weneed you. It’s been so crazy with the arrest and all. Can you even believe it? Gene Windsor’s inprison. I can’t picture him in there with the other inmates, you know what I mean?”

“I can’t either,” I admitted. “I wonder what’s going to happen.”

Midge’s eyes grew wide as she fired up the blow dryer. “He might not come back.” That was all she could say as she started to dry my hair.

Over the roar of the dryer, I could say nothing in return.

But was it awful that I hoped she was right?


the stage
