Page 25 of The Forever Vow

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“Well, don’t you look pretty.”Bryce waited for me at the bottom of the stairs.

“Thank you. You look handsome like always.” My husband wore a dark suit, blue dress shirt, and blue tie. He looked every inch the billionaire CEO. Bryce held out his big hand for me, and I shivered as I took it, remembering how his hands had roamed down my naked body only hours before…

“Don’t look at me like that,” he growled. “Otherwise I’ll throw you over my shoulder and take you back upstairs.”

I fought the urge to fan myself. “Okay.”

“Chloe,stop. We have to go out tonight. Don’t give me blue-balls before we even leave the house.” He pulled me close, and I could feel an erection already stirring.

“Stop,” I admonished, but I didn’t mean it. I’d love for Bryce to drag me back upstairs and have his way with me again!

“Hey, guys!” Colby strolled in with Tate glued to his side. A pissed-looking Jake trailed behind them.

Jake Windsor was the middle child, tall and handsome like his brothers. He looked a lot like Bryce but had a more narrow face, hazel eyes, and lighter hair. His scowl looked like Bryce’s, though.

“Hey, Jake. I haven’t seen you.” I hugged my brother-in-law.

Jake gave me a quick smile. “I’m glad you’re back. We missed you.”

I blushed with pleasure. “Thanks.”

As soon as I stepped back, his scowl returned. The reason for this became immediately apparent. Colby had his hand on Tate’s ass, rubbing it. She was snuggled up against him, batting her long lashes. The vibe between them was so sexy it felt uncomfortable to witness, inappropriate for company. I should know! Bryce and I had at least stepped away from each other before his burgeoning erection had taken center stage.

Colby and Tate were so busy making goo-goo eyes at each other that they didn’t bother saying anything else to the rest of us.

“Hey, little brother.” Bryce raised his eyebrows. “Hey, Tate.”

“Hi.” She tore herself away from eye-fucking Colby long enough to grace my husband with a megawatt smile.

“Hey, Bryce.” Colby grinned at him, hand never leaving Tate’s ample backside. “You guys ready for this party?”

“Not yet—can I speak with you for a moment? You too, Jake.” Bryce turned to me. “This’ll just take a second.”

“Sure.” I nodded.

“No problem!” Tate said brightly, her eyes trailing appreciatively over Bryce’s muscled form.

I counted backward from ten. If I lost it on her—and got into yetanotherfight—Gene Windsor would have my head on a platter.

Once the men were gone, she tossed her long blond hair over her shoulder and gave my dress a once-over. “You look like a grandma.”

The yellow dress Midge had chosen was long, flowing, and had a high neckline. I had to admit that it was more my style than the sexy dresses she usually chose. “Tell me how you really feel, Tate.”

“I just did.” She gave me another blinding, fake smile, and I again fought the urge to smack her.

“You look…nice.” The truth was, Tate looked exactly like what she was—a high-end escort. Her one-shoulder black jumpsuit was skintight, showing off her trim figure and killer curves. Her sky-high heels would be out of place on the Nguyen’s rolling lawn, but they made her butt stick out—which Colby had definitely appreciated. “Listen, I’ve been wanting to talk to you. I’ve heard a couple of things from the staff.”

Tate’s nostril flared. “Is this about that stupid Mexican chef? He accused me ofstealing! Can you imagine that? I just wanted some snacks and wine for my room!”

“Woah, okay. First of all, he’s Spanish, not Mexican. Second of all, no, that’s not what I was talking about. It’s more about how you and Colby have been getting…close…in various public places.” I took a deep breath. “It’s making people uncomfortable, Tate. My little brother lives here, you know? I can’t have him seeing something like that.”

“Just because you dress like a grandma and don’t have sex with your husband doesn’t mean you get to be the morality police withme.” She puffed her chest out. “What Colby and I do is our business. He’s a Windsor too, remember? This is his home, his island, his all of it. If he can’t keep his hands off me, that isn’t anybody’s business.”

“First of all, it’s not actually his home—it’s Bryce’s. Second of all, you’re right: itisn’tanybody’s business what you guys do with each other. That’s the whole point! There’s staff around, family, little kids, and there’s still paparazzi—”

“Did someone say paparazzi? Aw, my favorite topic!” Olivia Jensen strolled in, her fiery-red hair cascading in waves down her emerald-colored dress. I hadn’t seen the PR executive since I’d been back. She looked as lovely and poised as ever, and also, as laser-focused.
