Page 26 of The Forever Vow

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She eyed Tate up and down, her perfectly groomed eyebrows arching slightly. “That’s an outfit,” she said by way of a greeting.

“Oh hey, if it isn’t the actual morality police.” Tate snorted. “Who invitedyou?”

“You two have met?” I looked between Tate and Olivia. They were now openly glaring at each other.

Wow, this was going to be a fun night.

“We’ve met several times. Haven’t we, Tate?” Olivia gave her a final once-over before turning back to me. “It’s nice to see you, Chloe. You look great.”

“Thank you.” I didn’t miss Tate’s eye roll. I hoped Olivia could help me talk some sense into her. “We were just discussing the fact that the paparazzi are still watching the island. I was telling Tate that we need to be careful about how we act when we’re out in public. Even just outside the house.” I flushed, remembering how the press had followed Bryce and me out into the island woods, catching us during some very private moments…

“Funny, Tate and I have had the same conversation repeatedly.” Olivia straightened her shoulders. “I’ve explained that the Windsor family is on a press detox, as I like to call it. We must be vigilant about every image we present to the world.”

“Why do I feel singled out?” Tate motioned to me. “Mike Tyson here’s the one who just threw down at that wedding. All I’ve done is make out with my new boyfriend.”

Olivia threw up her hands. “The staff at the pool club said you were screaming yourheadoff in one of the cabanas—”

“Hey, Olivia.” Colby ambled out and protectively put his arm around Tate. “Everything okay?”

“Not really,” Olivia said, direct as usual. “Chloe and I were just explaining to Tate that this is a delicate time for the family because of Gene’s arrest. We all need to be cognizant of the roles we have to play. We need to build trust in the family name again. I have a couple of guys who will be taking photos tonight—we need to present a unified front. The board’s been up my derriere, so to speak, about cleaning up the family image.”

“I understand,” Colby said quickly. “Bryce and I were just talking about it.” He turned to Tate. “We’re going to grab you a jacket to wear, okay? I think you look great, but Bryce wants us to be super conservative because they think it’ll help the business. Okay, babe?”

“Sure, babe.” She looked up at him and nodded, eyes wide, as if he were a king and she was his most loyal subject. “Whatever you think is best.”

“Great.” He kissed the tip of her nose, and they strode off, arms wrapped around each other, without further argument.

“That was easier than I thought.” I eyed Olivia, who was still watching them. “That should make it better, right?”

She sighed as she turned back to me. “Not really. Colby was under strict instructions not to start seeing someone until things quieted down around here. The fact that he met this girl and she’s practically living with him three days later is a red flag. Not to mention all the other red flags, like the fact that she’s completely two-faced and already has his balls in her back pocket.”

I grimaced. “Yeah, there’s definitely a red flag or too.”Like the fact that she’s an escort and Colby doesn’t know it. And also, she’s threatened to blackmail me.Just a few minor details!

Olivia forced a smile. “How about you, huh? Are you happy to be back? I know we’re scheduled to chat tomorrow, but I’d love to know how everything’s going. Are things settled down between you and Bryce?”

“Yes. And I’m sorry about how I left. I was having a hard time.” I grimaced. It was hitting me that we had to go to this party and that everyone would be talking about me and the fact that I’d fought Felicia Jones. “But yes, things are settled and good.”

“So, are you staying? And are you planning on any more fights?” Olivia Jensen didn’t beat around the bush too much.

“Yes I’m staying, and no, I don’t plan on any more fighting.” I raised my chin. “That sort of behavior’s behind me now. I’m going to stay with Bryce tonight, and no tequila, I promise.”

“Great.” But Olivia grimaced. “As you can tell with Tate, the old PR adage is true: there’s always another fire to put out. Help me if you can, okay? Tate’s a handful. And I thought Daphne was bad!”

* * *

The party was in full swing by the time we arrived. Twinkle lights glittered from the nearby trees, a string quartet played instrumental love songs in the background, and the enormous banquet table was decorated with vases bursting with fresh local flowers. As always, the sky above Mount Desert Island was the real showstopper, blanketed with stars as far as the eye could see.

Well-dressed guests dotted the lawn, sipping cocktails and gossiping. One thing I’d learned since I’d married Bryce? Rich people loved to get dressed up for each other. You’d think that the small group of wealthy islanders would tire of the same parties night after night. Still, judging by how harried the waitstaff and bartenders appeared, no one seemed to be ready to end the non-stop party season just yet.

Kelli and Kenji Nguyen greeted us warmly. They were a bi-coastal power couple, dividing their time between California and Maine; Kenji was in real estate, and Kelli was a Hollywood executive. I hadn’t seen them since the wedding, but they were well-bred enough to not mention anything about the fight. Kenji started asking Bryce about business. Kelli leaned in for a hug, enveloping me in a mix of her toned arms and tawny hair.

“I was worried about you, Chloe. Are you doing better?” She kept her voice low.

I hugged her back. Kelli had always been kind to me. “Yes—thank you.”

“I had to invite the Jones family tonight, of course. So Felicia’s here.” Kelli pulled back and inspected me. “Are you okay with that?”

“I’m not going to fight her if that’s what you mean.” I smiled, putting on a brave face. “Is she here with Finn Ryder?” Felicia had been dating a British guy from a band, and she’d seemed pretty happy with him—a massive relief for me. Bitch had finally stopped texting my husband!
