Page 54 of You Are Enough

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Chapter 22

Leila woke the next morning and could still feel the warmth of Adler’s fingers on her skin, his lips on hers. A smile crept up the corners of her mouth, and she reached out, but her hand met an empty pillow. She blinked the sleep from her eyes. Adler’s clothes were gone from the floor where they were haphazardly thrown, and her heart fell. She had been looking forward to morning kisses and morning sex. He must have left early for work yet didn’t even kiss her goodbye. She let out a sigh and rolled over on her back, frustrated and alone, her eyes on the ceiling fan as it twirled and hummed.

Cabinets banged shut in the kitchen, and Skylar let loose a happy squeal.

Adler didn’t leave. Leila’s pulse picked up pace, and she tied her silk robe around her and went out to the kitchen.

The scene before her took her breath away. She leaned against the wall and quietly watched Adler and Skylar. She was in her highchair, oat cereal on her tray and a bib around her neck. Hesat in front of her in his jeans and white T-shirt, with a jar of baby food, trying to feed a little girl who was doing her best to take the spoon from his hand, causing the mushed—it looked like sweet potatoes—to go everywhere.

Leila brought her hand to her mouth to quiet the laugh that threatened to escape from her lips.

“Okay, little beauty. You’re making this more difficult than it should be.” He scooped more baby food on the spoon, making it to Skylar’s mouth before she grabbed it and pulled it from his hand. She gnawed on the spoon and smiled around it, causing the sweet potatoes to ooze out the side of her mouth and down her chin. Adler let out a puff and flopped back in his seat.

Skylar’s eyes flashed to where Leila was standing, and a shrill squeal exited her lips along with the baby food.

The laugh Leila was holding in escaped as Adler slowly turned to face her. When their eyes locked, her heart melted. How was it possible the world’s most gorgeous guy could possibly look even hotter with bed head and baby food on his white T-shirt? His smile made her pulse race. She grabbed the towel that hung on the oven and sat in his lap. She wiped food from his face and shirt and laughed. “What are you doing?”

He brushed her hair off her neck. “I woke up and heard Skylar playing in her bed, so I got her up, changed her, and thought I’d feed her. I didn’t want to wake you.”

She wiped more mashed food from his cheek. “Well, that is the sweetest thing ever.” How could she ever let him know how much his loving her daughter meant to her? She covered his lips with hers. “Thank you, so much.”

His eyes held hers. “For what? Turning your daughter orange?”

She chuckled. “No, for being you. Being amazing.” Her heart was so full it could explode. “Let me finish breakfast. Don’t you need to be getting to work?”

“Unfortunately, yes.” He moved her from his lap and stood. “I need to go home first and change.” He wrapped his arms around her. “Do you think Diane and your dad could babysit? I want to take you on a date.”

“I’ll ask. I’m sure that won’t be a problem, but I work until five thirty.”

“Then I’ll see you here at six.” He placed a quick peck on her lips. “Oh, and I plan on spending the night again, if that’s okay with you. I want a repeat of last night.” He winked and kissed Skylar’s head. “Goodbye, little mess.”

Skylar offered him her baby food-crusted spoon.

“No thank you. I’ll let you keep that.” He waved and walked out the door.

Leila peeled a banana and gave a piece to Skylar and sat at the table. “Sky, how did we get so lucky?”

Skylar gave her a toothless grin filled with mashed up banana and sweet potato.

“You are a mess. I need to get you cleaned up.” Leila got Skylar in the bath and herself ready for work.

Leila’s step was lighter as she went through her workday. She was on cloud nine and didn’t think she would ever come down from the high.

“Leila, could you go in the back and look for the rest of the candles to fill this display?” She and Barbara Stanzel, the shop owner, were working on the floor and stocking shelves.

“Sure. I saw them yesterday.” She placed the pictures she was holding on their stands and went into the back. It took her longer than expected to find the boxes she was looking for, and she grabbed a few others that Elizabeth must have just ordered.She placed them on the rolling cart and pushed them to the front. Barbara was talking with someone near the door when Leila went back to the front.

“Thank you so much. They’re beautiful.” Barbara turned to Leila.

Leila’s eyes went wide. Barbara had a vase in her hands filled with a dozen pink and white roses. Leila hadn’t realized her boss was seeing someone. As far as she knew, Barbara hadn’t seen anyone in years. “Wow, Mrs. Stanzel. Those are beautiful. Who’s your secret admirer?” She joked yet was interested. Did her boss have a hot man hiding in the wings somewhere? Someone she didn’t know about?

Barbara walked toward Leila. As she got closer, the spicy, floral smell radiating from the roses filled Leila’s senses. “Those smell amazing.” She couldn’t help herself, and when Barabara got close enough, Leila put her face close to the bouquet and breathed in a deep breath. “They smell wonderful. And who’s the guy who sent these?”

“I don’t know. They aren’t mine.” She held them toward Leila. “Someone must really know how special you are.”

“No way.” They couldn’t be hers. No one had ever sent her flowers before. Leila took the bouquet to the checkout counter, and her pulse raced in anticipation. She took the envelope from the pick and pulled out the card. As she read the short note, her pulse raced. Adler was so sweet. He was always surprising her. Three months ago, she would never have thought he could be so thoughtful and loving, not to mention sweet.

“So, is this that handsome guy I heard you and Elizabeth talking about?” asked Barbara.
