Page 28 of Sight Unseen

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He is how he is. Losing someone would leave you hard, also. Maybe get to know him so you understand before you judge him for how he acts and commands his team.

Whipping around, I looked wide-eyed at my wolf.

He lost someone?

I didn’t know that.

Who was it?

What happened?

I could see Phoenix give me a questioning look, but I didn’t take my eyes from the bright blue ones they were locked on; I needed answers.

That, girl, is not my story to tell.

Huffing, I turned back around and returned to looking out the window. I could see a town approaching; it was a cute little town with older-style homes painted in all different colors.

I was scanning everything, trying to mesmerize all the beautiful shades of blues, yellows, oranges, and greens that colored the beautiful structures.

The bus stopped in front of a bright yellow house, and we waited for a heartbeat to listen before exiting the vehicle.

The night was chilly and quiet, crickets chirping, and a distant owl hooting was the only sound.

Apollo and Onasis were leading the charge, flanked by all the wolves except Isarr who was glued to my side, and Eros on the other side. Atlas and Phoenix were bringing up the rear. The air smelled strongly of sulfur; Apollo mentioned it was a common smell, signaling demons were in the area. Remembering my training in demon studies, all the lesser demons looked like different forms of animals and stunk of sulfur. They were the most common ones found attacking the gifted, trying to demolish the lines so they would no longer have any threats.

“Stay alert and stay liquid!” Apollo shouted over his shoulder.

They all had deadly-looking swords held out in front of them, except Onasis, who had a bow with an arrow nocked and ready to draw at a moment's notice.

She was brilliant looking, her hair in a tight braid and her head on a constant swivel, surveying the area.

“On your right!” Phoenix shouted from behind.

Turning to peer over Isarr, I caught sight of a huge ass bear. It had dark eyes that looked like black holes; its fur was dark, crimson streaking down its coat and dripping on the ground. The creature was huge, almost twice as tall as me when it stood up on its hind legs.

It looked straight at me with pure fury in its eyes like nothing else around him existed. The roar from its mouth was defining, causing spit to fly out and hit the ground.

Atlas was the first to move, swinging out with his sword to catch the bear on its side. It barely caught the bear as it dropped to the ground and rounded on Atlas.

Lashing out with its giant paws, claws connected with flesh, and a scream came from his mouth. Clutching his shoulder, he backed away, and the wolves stepped up between Atlas and the bear.

The creature still had its eyes trained on me, lips pulled back over its teeth, snarling like a wild animal.

The wolves’ heads were down low, teeth bared, and snarls on their lips, with Isarr leading the charge. The smallest black one circled the left side of the bear, while the red one circled around the right side.

Crouching down low, the black one leaped on the back of the creature, digging its teeth into its neck. The bear let out a thunderous yowl. Standing up on its back legs and falling backward to the ground. Crushing the small black wolf when it struck the pavement.

A cry, that sounded utterly sad, left Orpheus as she launched herself onto the bear's belly, ruthlessly snapping at its neck with her teeth.

Swiping out, the bear knocked her to the side, and she landed with a loud thud against the house, unmoving.

“NO!” Apollo yelled, rushing to his wolf's side.

Getting up and facing Apollo the bear got down ready to charge.

“Apollo!” The scream of horror left me suddenly. Fear raced through my body, as well as a tingling sensation.

I searched for the source of the tingle in my mind, finding a thin, shimmering silver thread, and tugged hard. My whole body lit with the feeling of electricity that felt like it was consuming me from the inside out. I directed the feeling toward the man crouching down over his familiar, and in the next heartbeat Apollo and Orpheus vanished.
