Page 70 of Future Like This

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We stare at each other for a beat, then she squeezes my hand back and starts the car, navigating us out of the driveway.

I watch the house as we pull away, butterflies whirling in my stomach and my heart racing.

She did this for me because she wants me to be happy.

For the first time, I finally feel like I might have a job option that would do exactly that.


“That’s a beautiful ring,” Ma says as I stand in the kitchen with her and Dad. I’m on a secret mission today, so I left Amelia and Emmie at home. Mackenzie is my cover, and she’s meeting me here in a bit, but I wanted a few minutes alone with my parents to tell them.

“Congratulations, son,” Dad says.

“Any idea how you’re going to ask her?” Ma asks, sliding the ring box back.

“Actually, yes. The guys and I spent some time figuring out the rough details the other night. Right now, all I have is a date. Rae and Joel are sacrificing their birthday weekend so we can plan a party. I want everyone in our lives to be there for this—for Amelia to be surrounded by love.”

“I’m proud of the man you’ve grown into,” my mother whispers, pressing back tears.

I pull her into my arms. “I love you, Ma. Thanks for being a hardass and shaping me into a decent person.”

Dad laughs at that.

My mother pushes out of my arms and shakes her head, giving me a wry smile. “And I’m a little thankful you’re someone else’s problem now.”

“We’ll see if she says yes,” I joke. I hope I’m joking. She gave me the ring after all.

“You know she will.” We all turn to see Mackenzie standing at the edge of the kitchen. “Ready to go?”

I nod slowly, then look at my mom. “Any advice on how to talk to her mother about this? It’s a little more complicated since she thinks we’re married already. Sometimes. When she remembers.”

Ma squeezes my hand. “Go with what she remembers today and keep it simple.”

“Okay, wish me luck.”

“I don’t think you need it,” Dad says. “Luck has been on your side since the moment you met Amelia.”

Damn if he’s not right about that.

“Are you sure this is okay?” Mackenzie asks as we walk through the nursing home. “Me meeting Amelia’s mom without her here?” When I left the house today, I told Amelia it was because Mackie’s car broke down and she needed someone to pick her up. Really, I wanted Mackie with me for support.

“Trust me, it’s fine. She’s given anyone in our lives who would like to visit with her mom the opening to do that. She says it might be better not to have them associated with Amelia, but to become a friend to her.”

Mackie smiles at that. “That’s sweet.”

“It is. My mom and Kara come and play cards with her. I think Aaron’s mom went with them last time, too.”

“That’s cute. The moms playing cards together.”

I stop in front of the door to Eileen’s room. “This is it.”

“Well, go on.” Mackie gives me a shove, but my anxiety is rearing its ugly head right now. I still don’t know what to say, and I don’t want to upset Eileen. I asked the nursing staff not to mention my visit to Amelia since I don’t want her to know why I’m here, but that might not be possible if she gets upset. The staff said she was more disoriented today, but not combative. Hopefully, that’s a good thing.

I knock on the wall as I pull the curtain to her side of the room. “Hello,” I say as I walk in.

Eileen is resting in bed, looking at a picture book of animals. She looks up and squints. “You are…”

“Miles. Your favorite person.” My words don’t come out as smooth as usual, but that’s not the point. “And this is Mackenzie. She’s a friend of mine and Amelia’s.”
