Page 60 of Making It Count

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“It does,” Shay replied. “Did you… I mean, with the others… Did you…”

“Oh. You want to talk about that?”

“I don’t know. We should, right? We’re talking about doing that with each other whenever we can actually touch.”

“Um… Okay. You first.”

Shay recognized that Layne needed her to go first, so she nodded.

“Yeah, two girls. Women, technically. Eliza, who you already know about, and a girl sophomore year, who was my first.”

“Did I know her?”

Shay shook her head and said, “I doubt it. We had a class together. She was a commuter and didn’t live on campus. She transferred to IU after that.”

“She was your first?”

“Yup. We went on a few dates. She was cool. We did… that and then went out a few more times, but it didn’t go anywhere, really. You?”

“High school girlfriend and one of the women I dated here, yeah. Girlfriend and I were each other’s firsts. The woman I dated here was nice. We had a few dates, but same thing.”

“Do I know her?”

“Maybe. She’s on the track team. She lived here on the fifth floor, I think. I see her around all the time. Or, at least, I did; she graduated last year.”

“What was her name?”

Layne looked away from the screen and said, “Sabrina Stephenson.”

“You had sex with Sabrina Stephenson?” Shay asked a little louder than she’d expected.

“Yes, a few times before it ended.”

“She’s hot, Layne.”

“Um… Okay?”

“I didn’t even know she was into girls.”

“She is,” Layne confirmed.

“And you, specifically. Fuck,” Shay said.


“How was it? Wait. Don’t tell me. I don’t want to know. How many times did you say it happened?”

Layne laughed and asked, “Are you jealous?”

“Totally. But not in that weird, possessive, guy way. We’re almost twenty-three, and we’ve both dated women, so it wasn’t like I expected you to be a virgin… But Sabrina, huh? She’s–”

“Not you,” Layne interrupted. “She’s not you.”

“But you asked her out and not me when you liked me?”

“She asked me out. There was a bench, and she sat there. I ran by it. She asked me to stop. Then, she asked, and I said yes. Can I ask you something, though?”

