Page 20 of Mr. January

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Knox nods, his eyes searching mine for any sign of doubt or sadness. But all he sees is resolve, and perhaps a hint of defiance. The truth is, I don't want him to see me cry. Not yet.

As I begin to pack my bags, Knox lingers by the door, his fingers tracing the outline of my face. We stand in silence, our hearts beating in tandem, as if trying to hold onto each other even though we are worlds apart.

He finally steps back, his voice barely audible. "You know, when I hold you, it's like time stands still. All the world's noise fades away, and it's just us."

I give him a weak smile, trying to hide the tears that threaten to escape. "That's because you and I, Knox, are enough for a lifetime." I whisper back, my voice trembling.

He takes a deep breath, his eyes never leaving mine. "I wish I could be there with you," he says softly. "But I know you'll be safe, and that's all that matters."

Carefully, I pick up my box with my office belongings, the weight of it reminding me of the weight of his love. As I take my last steps toward the door, he reaches out and cups my cheek, his thumb gently wiping away a falling tear.

"Promise me you'll come back to me, love," he says, his voice thick with emotion.

I nod, the lump in my throat making it hard to speak. "I promise," I manage to say, my voice quivering.

With that, I step out of the door of Forrester Media, and though I promise I'd return, I step out of Knox's life. If you love something...let it go.

Chapter Fifteen

Robyn - Company Christmas party - Present Day

The Grand Ballroom of the casino is bathed in the soft glow of twinkling Christmas lights, and the sweet melodies of a live band playing holiday classics fill the air. It's a scene straight out of a fairy tale, and for a moment, I feel like I've stepped into a dream.

This is the first time I've set foot in this casino in fifteen years, ever since I left after that unforgettable night of counting cards and sharing my first time with Knox. Nostalgia washes over me as I stand here, champagne glass in hand. Lately, I've become quite the lightweight when it comes to alcohol, and the bubbly has gone to my head faster than I expected.

I try to blend into the crowd, to avoid the man who has captured my heart and filled my dreams with desire. But it seems fate has other plans for us tonight. I feel his presence behind me, his warmth seeping through the fabric of my dress, and I can't help but melt into him.

"Robyn,"Knox murmurs, his voice low and filled with a yearning that mirrors mine.

I turn to face him, our eyes locking in a silent exchange of longing. Tonight is not the night to talk about everything that has happened in the last year since I left for Europe. Tonight, all I want is to be with him.

"Knox...take me back to where it all began,"I whisper, my voice barely audible over the music and laughter around us.

Knox nods, understanding my unspoken request. He leads me out of the ballroom, and we make our way to the service elevator. As we wait for it to arrive, a memory from fifteen years ago flashes through my mind.

"The first time you took me up in this elevator, I was so nervous,"I admit, a soft laugh escaping my lips."I thought I was in big trouble for counting cards."

Knox chuckles, a fond smile on his lips."I remember that night,"he says."You had that mischievous glint in your eyes."

The elevator arrives, and we step inside, the doors closing behind us. As we ascend to his suite, time has come full circle.

I close the gap between us, meeting him halfway; I stand on tiptoe. Our lips crash together in a fiery tango of heat and longing. The years of pent-up desire and unspoken words are unleashed in this fierce kiss. It's as if the universe has conspired to bring us back together, and I refuse to let anything stand in our way.

As our tongues dance and our bodies press closer, a sense of déjà vu lingers. But this time, I'm taking what I want from this man, and I'm not letting go.

The elevator doors slide open, revealing the opulent casino suite floor hallway. The soft glow of crystal chandeliers casts a warm and inviting ambiance over the plush carpeting. The walls are adorned with artwork and framed photographs, a testament to the luxury surrounding us. It's a scene straight out of a dream, but there's no time to take in the opulence.

"Robyn, we should really discuss this last year you've been gone..." Knox insists we need to talk, but I can't bear the thought of more words when I only want to feel his lips on mine. I take the reins, turning to face him. I place a hand on his chest, feeling the rapid thud of his heart beneath my touch. His hazel eyes, the windows to his kind soul, lock onto mine.

In this moment, I've never wanted someone as much as I want Knox Forrester. We've been so close yet so out of reach for far too long. There's always been something keeping us apart, some barrier that prevented us from fully giving in to our desires. But not tonight, not after everything I've sacrificed.

Knox leads us into his exquisitely decorated suite, and the sight that greets me leaves me wide-eyed with surprise. The room is different than I remember, obviously updated and redecorated, of course, but it is bathed in the soft glow of dimly lit surroundings decorated for Christmas. Gentle jazz music notes fill the air, and an electronic fireplace adds to the romantic ambiance. It's a setting straight out of a dream, and I can't help but exclaim in amazement.

"Oh, Knox, this place is incredible,"I say, my eyes examining every luxurious detail.

He smiles, a hint of satisfaction in his gaze."I wanted tonight to be special,"he admits.

I can't help but feel a flutter of excitement."Did you plan to bring me up here tonight?"I ask, my voice filled with curiosity.
