Page 21 of Mr. January

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Knox nods, his eyes filled with warmth."I was hoping we'd have the opportunity to reconnect after this long year apart,"he confesses.

But I'm not ready to delve into the past, not yet."Let's not talk about that right now,"I suggest, my fingers gently tracing the rim of the champagne glass he's just poured for me.

Knox understands, and we both raise our glasses in a silent toast. In this moment, words are unnecessary. The anticipation and desire between us are palpable, and we both know all we want for Christmas is each other. Tonight, we'll find solace in the warmth of our love.

We clink our glasses together, the crystal emitting a delicate chime that seems to echo our unspoken longing. As the sweet champagne graces my lips, I can taste the promise of the night ahead, filled with desire and the rekindling of a love that has never truly dimmed.

Knox approaches me, his gaze locked onto mine with an intensity that sends shivers down my spine. He reaches out, his fingers gently tracing a path along my cheek. The touch is electric, igniting a fire deep within me.

Without a word, he leans in, capturing my lips in a passionate kiss. It's a kiss that speaks of yearning, of all the moments we've missed in the past year. Our mouths move in a heated dance, a silent conversation of need and desire.

As the kiss deepens, I feel my body melting into his, every nerve ending coming alive with the sensation of his touch. The years apart have done nothing to diminish the magnetic pull between us; if anything, it's stronger than ever.

We break the kiss, our breaths heavy and labored, and he looks at me with an intensity that leaves no room for doubt. Tonight, we won't hold back; tonight, we'll take what we've both been craving for far too long.

Knox's hands glide down my body, setting my skin on fire. The room is a symphony of desire, our clothes falling to the floor with each tender touch, each heated kiss, a promise of what's to come.

In the soft, romantic glow of the room, I can't help but think this is the most perfect Christmas gift of all. In Knox's arms, we've rediscovered the love that has always been ours, waiting for us to claim it. Tonight, there are no regrets, no barriers; there's only the intoxicating sensation of being reunited with the one who holds my heart.

As our bodies move together in a dance of love and yearning, I realize this is where I've always belonged—enveloped in Knox's embrace, swept away in a sea of passion and longing.

"Knox,"I sigh, his name escaping my lips as he enters me, the warmth and familiarity overwhelming."I've missed you. I've missed us,"I confess, my words filled with desire. He responds with a rhythm that elicits passionate moans and gasps from both of us.

"Stay with me tonight, Robyn,"he implores, his voice filled with longing."Don't leave me again. I don't want to lose you, sweetheart."His words fuel my passion, and I wrap my body around him, matching his every movement.

His warm breath caresses my ear as he shares his deepest desires, and I can feel my body responding to his every touch. Our tongues dance in a passionate embrace, savoring each other's essence and need. Every caress, every kiss, is a promise of the unparalleled passion that only we can ignite in each other.

The room resonates with our fervent cries as our bodies unite in a whirlwind of desire. With every thrust, we edge closer to the edge, and I understand tonight, there will be no holding back. I need him. I want him.

As our moans and gasps intensify, I sense our connection deepening. We have discovered our way back to one another, and there's no turning back. With our bodies moving in perfect harmony, I recognize we've found our true home—in each other's arms.

We spend the night wrapped up in each other's arms, lost in the moment. But when morning comes, I know I have to face reality again and go back to my everyday life, even though it hurts to leave.

Chapter Sixteen

Knox-New Year's Eve-Present Day

When New Year's Eve arrives, the air is charged with anticipation. As the countdown erupts and the crowd cheers, restlessness fills me. My thoughts drift to Robyn, a name etched into my heart for so long. In two months, we've shared no more than a few passing words about our situation, and I can't bear the silence any longer.

Since her return from Europe, our encounters have been sporadic at best. Of course, we shared the intimate evening after the company Christmas Party, where we rekindled our feelings for each other. But nothing was sorted out about the last year or how we intend to move forward.

But our most memorable encounter since her return was on Thanksgiving Eve at my parents' house, where tension hung in the air. It was an awkward meal, especially when my mother announced I would be featured as Mr. January in the new Bachelor Series Magazine for Forrester Media, all in an effort to help me 'find a wife.' The moment Robyn heard the news, she looked as if she had seen a ghost, and Reese had to step in to calm her down from the emotional ledge.

I don't want to scare her off, but I can't shake the feeling we need to talk, clear the air…something. We've spent so much time apart, and I can't understand why she chose to go no-contact against my wishes after the intimate time we shared before she left. There are so many questions, so much left unsaid between us.

As the countdown climaxes, I excuse myself from the festivities, my heart racing with mixed emotions. I need to find her, to see her, to understand.

I step out onto the patio, where a light dusting of snow has begun to fall and stick, creating a serene backdrop to the chaos of the party inside. The air is crisp, and the soft glow of string lights casts a warm and inviting ambiance. I scan the area, and there she is, standing alone, her silhouette framed by the soft light.

Robyn, the woman who captured my heart and then disappeared from my life, is just a few steps away. My chest tightens with a mixture of anticipation and nervousness as I approach her, wondering what kept her away for so long.

My footsteps crunched on the snow-covered patio, the sound echoing in the quiet night. As I approached Robyn, I noticed delicate snowflakes in her hair and on her shoulders, adding a touch of beauty to her presence.

Robyn doesn't turn to look at me as I get closer, but I can tell she knows I am there. She stands still, lost in her thoughts, her gaze fixed on something in the distance.

I clear my throat softly, breaking the silence. "Robyn," I say, my voice filled with a mix of hope and uncertainty.

She turns to face me, her eyes meeting mine in the soft light. There is surprise in her expression, as if she hadn't expected me to find her.
