Page 22 of Mr. January

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"Knox," she replies, her voice a whisper, the emotions beneath the surface evident. It is the first time she's said my name in a long time.

I take a step closer. "I've missed you," I admit, my voice low, filled with longing that never fades.

Robyn's gaze wavers, and she looks away for a moment, grappling with her emotions. "I've missed you too," she confesses, a tinge of sadness in her words.

Tension hangs heavily between us, unspoken questions filling the air. I need answers, need to understand why she'd distanced herself from me.

"Robyn," I start, my tone earnest, "why did you go no-contact? Why did you leave without a word after that night in your office?"

Her eyes meet mine again, turmoil evident. "I had to, Knox," she replies, her voice trembling slightly. "It is for the best."

"For the best?" I echo, frustration and confusion creeping into my words. "For whom!? Sure the hell wasn't for me. Robyn, please, we need to talk about this. We can't just keep avoiding each other."

She sighs, weariness in her exhale. "I know," she admits, her shoulders slumping. "But it's complicated, Knox. There are things you don't know."

I close the distance between us with another step. "Then tell me," I urge, my voice gentle but insistent. "I want to understand, Robyn. I want to know what happened between us."

The falling snow creates an intimate atmosphere around us, a moment of connection amid the bustling party inside. As we face each other, the weight of our unspoken words hangs in the air, and I can't help but hope that tonight is the start of the answers we both need.

Robyn's gaze drops to the ground, and for a moment, I think she might refuse to speak. But then, with a deep breath, she looks up at me, her eyes filled with a mixture of pain and determination.

"Knox," she begins, her voice steady, "what we had, what we's not that simple."

I nod, trying to convey my understanding, even though her words only add to my confusion.

"You know how complicated your family is," she continues. "Rachael…your mother, she's always been...controlling. She found out about us, about what happened that night in Forrester Media's conference room and then again in mine…"

I winced at the thought of my mother ruining that memory, the passion and intensity of that night still fresh in my mind.

"Rachael didn't take it well," Robyn continued. "She made it clear that she couldn't accept us being together, that it would be a scandal for the family and the company. She gave me an ultimatum, Knox, and I felt like I had no choice."

My heart sank as I listened to her words. I had known that my mother's approval would be a challenge, but I hadn't realized the extent of the pressure Robyn had been under.

"I didn't want to leave," Robyn continued, her voice filled with regret. "But I thought it was the only way to protect you, to protect your family's reputation. I thought it was the right thing to do."

I reach out and gently cup her cheek, my thumb brushing away a stray tear that has escaped her eye. "Robyn, you didn't have to do that," I whisper, my voice filled with tenderness. "You didn't have to sacrifice your happiness for me."

She looks up at me, her eyes searching mine for understanding. "I love you, Knox," she says softly. "But I couldn't bear to see you hurt because of me. I thought that by leaving, I could give you a chance to have a life without the constant scrutiny and judgment."

I pull her into my arms, holding her close, our bodies pressed together. "Robyn," I murmur against her hair, "you mean everything to me. I don't care about the judgment or the scandal. I just want to be with you."

She sighs, her body relaxing against mine. "I want to be with you too, Knox," she admits. "But it's not that simple. Rachael has a way of making things... difficult."

I kiss the top of her head, my heart heavy with the weight of our complicated situation. "We'll figure it out together," I promise. "No matter what it takes, we'll find a way to be together."

As we stand here in the falling snow, wrapped in each other's arms, I can't help but feel a glimmer of hope. Our love has endured so much, and now, with the truth finally out in the open, maybe we can find a way to overcome the obstacles that have kept us apart for far too long.

Chapter Seventeen

Robyn-New Year’s Day

Iwake up early, the soft morning light filtering through the curtains, and can't resist checking my work emails. Knox is still asleep beside me, his breathing steady and calm. As I scroll through my inbox, one email catches my attention. It's from Genesis, with the subject line "Mr. January Article."

I open it and start reading, my heart sinking with each passing sentence. It's an article about our relationship, filled with intimate details about my time at the casino, our moments together, my family, and even our current working relationship. The article doesn't mention me by name, but it's obvious who it's about. I can't believe Knox has shared all of this with Genesis.

Fury wells up inside me, and I turn to Knox, shaking him awake. "How dare you, Knox!" I hiss, my voice filled with anger and hurt.

He blinks, clearly disoriented from being abruptly awakened. "What's wrong?" he mumbles.
