Page 16 of Sinner's Vow

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Silvia’s eyes land on my fingers interlaced with Dani’s as Pyotr’s private jet carries us back toward the city. A subtle smile curls her lips, and when she meets my gaze, the affection there strikes deep into my core.

These past few days have been surreal. Though we’ve only been gone from the city for three days, it almost feels like we’ve spent months away from the conflict waiting for us at home.

In that short time, I’ve grown closer to Silvia and her daughter than I ever imagined possible. Because she insisted I join the girls on their fun weekend getaway, expecting me to participate in their activities as if I were part of the family, not there to keep them alive.

And that level of connection and intimacy has taken my relationship with Dani to an entirely new level. I’m deeply grateful that Silvia not only seems to approve of us together but has gone out of her way to encourage it.

And now, as she smiles at me, I feel the warmth of her appreciation toward me. It means a lot. I would die for any one of her family, and I wonder if this silent support of Dani and me isn’t her way of trying to thank me. At the very least, it means a lot that she trusts me with Dani, who Silvia treats like a younger sister.

Glancing at Dani, my heart overflows at the sight of her serene expression. Eyes watching the clouds floating past the window, she looks perfectly at ease. Her fingers squeeze my palm as if sensing my gaze instinctually, though she doesn’t turn to look at me.

I almost regret having to return to reality. Though it will be good to see that Pyotr survived his strike without suffering any injuries, the peace I’ve found with Dani over the past three days has shifted something inside me.

For the first time, I can picture a life outside the Veles Bratva, one in which I’m living happily with Dani. Marrying her. Starting a family.

She’s just so present and caring and emotional. She allows me a safe space to breathe freely even though recent events have left me in knots and my mind deeply troubled. I never should have let her give me a massage. But it was the gateway to giving me a momentary reprieve.

And now, as we fly back to New York City, I can feel the looming conflict threatening to invade my momentary sanctuary.

“So, Pyotr’s sorted out whatever it was he needed me to leave for?” Silvia murmurs, keeping her voice low as Isla sleeps soundly on her shoulder.

“It would seem so,” I agree. He’d called this afternoon to confirm that the dust had settled, and we seemed to be in the clear.

I know the blow he intended to deal Mikhail was orchestrated to be a devastating one. One that would wound him critically both on the business side and in manpower. I can only hope it will bring the sadistic bastard to his knees.

Silvia nods, her eyes shifting to the window as the tension seems to ease from her shoulders ever so slightly. I can only imagine how she must feel if I’ve been tied in knots over having to leave Pyotr unprotected.

I don’t think I would be capable of leaving Dani. Then again, she also has Isla’s safety to consider. That would be a heavy decision to have to make. Stand by the person you love, or run to protect your child. I hope I never have to make that decision.

Dani’s fingers squeeze mine again, and when I turn, she’s watching me closely, her gaze reading me like an open book. She might be younger than I am—considerably—but she’s one of the most insightful, intelligent women I’ve ever met. And I’m crazy about her.

The plane touches down a short time later, the flight quiet for the most part, so Isla could sleep. With so many activities to keep the little girl’s mind off her absent father, it’s been a jam-packed weekend of fun that’s left her exhausted.

I’m on alert as soon as the door opens, forcing my brain to refocus on keeping Pyotr’s family safe now that we’re back in the city full of wolves.

The car’s waiting for us already, and I check to ensure everything is secure as the flight crew moves our bags from the plane’s storage closet to the Escalade’s trunk.

“Let’s drop Dani at home on the way,” Silvia suggests after she has Isla buckled safely in her car seat. “Unless you want to come back to our house. You’re totally welcome.”

“No, it would be great if you’ll drop me off. I need to get some homework done.”

Silvia nods, and the driver takes us to my place to drop Dani off first, then to the Veles house. It looks like shambles, and I’m surprised that the hired crew has managed to repair and clean the smoke damage enough in a few weeks that the family can move back in.

But Val’s waiting for us as we pull up, leaning heavily on his uninjured leg. But the crutches he’s been relying on are gone, and he looks good. As we head inside, I stop to clap him on the shoulder.

“You’re back, then?” I ask in Russian as he limps inside with me.

“Working on it. I at least intend to do my part around here,” he responds in kind.

“Glad to hear it.”

“Pyotr’s in the den,” he says as Silvia leads the way through the front door.

Melody’s there, a grin on her face as she offers to take the sleeping Isla. Silvia passes Isla off so she can talk to Pyotr without waking the little girl. Then we troop back toward Pyotr’s office.

The floor and furniture in the front room have all been removed and two walls replaced completely. Fresh wood waits to be laid on the floor. But the hallway doesn’t look too bad. Fortunately, the marble entryway helped limit the fire damage to the one room. So smoke was the worst of the damage further inside. And that, they seem to have mitigated well.

Val and I follow Silvia, and as soon as she knocks on the office door, Pyotr commands us to enter.
