Page 2 of Sinner's Vow

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“Let her go,” I growl, closing the door behind me so one of Mikhail’s minions can’t catch me by surprise.

“Make me,” Mikhail taunts, and Dani sobs as he shifts, his lips curling into a sneer.

Pulling my gun from my belt, I level it at him and cock the hammer. As if knowing my intent, Mikhail spins Dani to face me at the same time, one hand keeping her arm behind her, his other around her throat as he brings his cheek against her ear.

I let loose a string of curses in my head as he uses her like a human shield. “Let. Her. Go,” I grit through my clenched teeth.

“Or what? You’ll shoot me?” he goads. “You better be a damn good shot, or you might end up blowing her pretty little brains all over my nice shirt.”

I freeze, knowing I can’t take the risk. Even if I did manage to hit Mikhail, the odds that I might injure Dani in the process are too great. Then my stomach somersaults as his leering gaze drops to my chest.

“I wonder, little pet. You think we can get him to do it?” Mikhail murmurs against Dani’s ear. “Kill you in his desperation to save you?”

She jerks away from him, her tearstained face twisting with revulsion. And when her blue eyes find mine, I see the silent fear there. Her plea for my help.

The hand around her throat slowly travels lower, and Dani sobs as his fingers slip beneath the collar of her sweater.

“Don’t fucking touch her,” I growl, my fingers tightening around the grip of my gun as I stride forward.

“Ah-ah,” he chastises, getting far too much enjoyment out of making Dani scream in pain.

She leans forward as far as he’ll let her, trying to ease the pressure he’s putting on her arm and shoulder. And though I’m desperate to get to her, my feet freeze at the horrible sound of her agony.

The rules of his sick game are suddenly clear. If I move forward, he’ll hurt her. If I do nothing, he’ll molest her. And if I try to shoot him, he’ll make sure I kill her.

“Please,” Dani sobs brokenly, her eyes dropping to the floor, and it rips me apart.

I don’t know if she’s begging me or Mikhail, but I have to do something to help her.

“I suppose if you’re still alive, that means your pakhan is too?” he asks me, a hint of annoyance tinging his tone.

“You thought it would be so easy to get rid of us?” I snarl, my muscles tensing with the need to act. But if he’s talking, it seems Mikhail’s not hurting Dani, so I’ll search for an opening while he thinks he’s toying with me.

Then his eyes give him away as they flick toward the door behind me. He’s stalling.

“No one’s coming,” I state coldly. “No one heard that gunshot. Your club is too noisy. So, how long do you think it will be before someone comes to check on you? Your guards are dead, so they won’t be interrupting us.”

“Maybe not, but I can wait. It seems to me I have the better leverage.” His eyes flick back down to Dani, and his hand wanders and inch lower beneath the neckline of her sweater.

She shudders visibly, her tears streaming harder down her cheeks now.

“Perhaps, but I think you overestimate my willingness to share what’s mine,” I snarl.

“And you’re willing to let me break her arm to stop me from taking what I want?” Mikhail mocks. “I don’t think so.”

“Maybe, maybe not. But if you break her arm, you will lose your leverage. You do not think I could get to you before you make your next move?”

The smug confidence slowly slips from his face as I continue to stare him down, my gun never wavering. His tongue darts out to wet his lips, revealing his nerves, and I know I’ve put just enough doubt in his mind to shift the weight in my favor.

“Let’s stop playing games, shall we?” he suggests, his voice maintaining its oily diplomacy even as his eyes dart anxiously over his shoulder.

Then his hand slides out of Dani’s shirt to wrap back around her throat like a collar. I bristle at the threatening gesture but don’t want to make a sudden move that could end up hurting her.

Heart in my throat, I watch as Mikhail slowly backs away from me, forcing Dani to step back with him. Refusing to let him put more space between us, I step cautiously forward, following his pace but not daring to close the distance. Because, despite my bluster, I can’t stand the thought of him hurting Dani.

If he makes one wrong move, one tiny slip-up, I’ll put a bullet square between his eyes. I just need an opening.

It’s too late by the time I spot the hidden door behind him. For an instant, I’m terrified he’ll force Dani through the door before I can get to him. His fingers tighten around her throat as he releases her wrist to grope behind him. And that’s when I take my chance. I’m determined to reach her before she slips through my fingers.
