Page 25 of Sinner's Vow

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Not that I think I could talk about what happened even if he allowed it.

No matter how thoroughly I scrubbed the blood from my hair and skin, I won’t be able to do the same with the image of those women hanging from the lighting. Guilt and revolution roil in my stomach every time I think about it.

Wrapping my towel around my waist, I head back into the bedroom and seriously contemplate taking a few shots of vodka to help take my mind off the grizzly image. But I’ve never been much of a drinker, not after what I’ve seen it capable of turning people into. Sure, a drink here or there, but alcohol as an escape doesn’t work so well for me.

Still, the thought flickers through my mind tonight.

Glancing at the clock, I’m starting to worry about Dani. It’s dark outside, and she was supposed to be home by now. Snatching my phone up off the bedside table, I check for any missed messages.


Heaving a sigh, I comb my fingers through my hair, pushing it out of my eyes.

Then, just as I pull up her number to call, I hear the bolt slide free of the front door. Tossing my phone aside, I head into the front room to see Dani slipping quietly inside.

I stop at the corner to watch her, leaning against the wall as she turns to lock the door once more. Then she drops her school bag on the floor with a huff.

“You are home late,” I observe.

Squeaking, Dani whirls to face me, her cheeks coloring as her palm goes to her heart. “Efrem, you scared the hell out of me,” she gasps, releasing a breathy laugh.

“You were starting to make me worry as well,” I state frankly, pushing off the wall with my shoulder to cross my arms. I’m not mad, but after the day I had, I didn’t really appreciate the images that filled my mind when she wasn’t home at the time she said she would be.

“Sorry, Melody and I got excited about the photoshoot, and I lost track of time.” She strides across the open entryway, closing the distance between us as she looks convincingly contrite.

Shaking my head, I let my arms drop. “Maybe next time, send me a text telling me that. I don’t like wondering where you are after everything that’s happened.” Especially after today.

Biting her lip, Dani nods as she stops in front of me. “I will. I’m sorry. I had a lot on my mind and didn’t think about it.” Then her head cocks to the side as her blue eyes seem to take in my expression for the first time. “Hey, are you alright? What’s wrong?”

One delicate hand reaches up to cup my cheek as Dani’s brows press together in concern.

I want to confide in her. But even if I were allowed to tell her, some facts are better left unsaid. Dani’s too young, too innocent to have to face the horrors of my world. Already, she’s endured more trauma than any girl her age ought to have. And I have Mikhail to thank for that.

Covering her hand with mine, I curl my fingers between hers and turn to press a kiss to her palm. “I don’t want to talk about it,” I state—almost truth.

“Are you mad at me?” she asks. “For not thinking to text you.”

Sighing, I shake my head.

“But something is wrong,” she states.

It’s not a question, and I’m not sure whether I appreciate how perceptive she is or if, for once, I would prefer she didn’t notice. Because I don’t like keeping anything from her—even the way the image of those girls haunts me.

“Talk to me, Efrem,” she pleads.

Cupping her chin, I tip Dani’s face up so I can see the life in her eyes, the color in her skin. “Some things, it is best if you do not know when it comes to Veles business,” I state, peering solemnly into her worried gaze. “I just want you to help me take my mind off of my day.”

Dani hesitates, her concern intensifying for a moment. Then she seems to resolve to let it go. “Okay,” she murmurs with a soft dimpled smile.

Rising onto her toes, she closes the distance between us, her soft palms finding my chest as she kisses me softly. Warmth blossoms in my core, and I snake my arms around her waist, pulling her close as I wrap her in my arms.

A soft hum vibrates from her lips, quiet amusement that makes me draw back to look at her face.

“You’re still wet,” she observes, her hands exploring my shoulders before finding the back of my neck and combing into my damp hair.

Chuckling, I give my head a shake, and she squeals as droplets of water shower her. An adorable giggle bubbles up from her as she ducks away from the barrage. I stop a moment later, pulling her more firmly against me so she can’t escape.

Dani’s expression shifts from playful to intense in an instant, her smile slipping from her lips as heat enters her gaze, and her breath rushes between her lips as they part beautifully. Then she captures one side between her teeth as her hands travel back down my chest.
