Page 56 of Sinner's Vow

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“I could be your friend, Dani,” he offers, his expression congenial, though the glint in his eye turns my stomach sour.

I hate that I have to be civil because we’re in polite society, and he’s connected to my parents in the public eye. He gives me the creeps, and I hate him. I want nothing to do with him. But I can’t say as much right here, where anyone could overhear us.

“I don’t think so,” I state flatly, turning my eyes back to the sparkling view of city lights and trying to ignore the way his eyes roam over my body.

“And why not?” he asks, taking a slight step closer and making a shiver run down my spine.

“I think you know,” I state, my tone cold and lifeless.

“And what if I want to be your friend, Dani? What if I don’t give you a choice?” he presses, resting his hand mere inches from mine.

To the casual passerby, it wouldn’t look like much of anything, but I know he’s trying to intimidate me. To push me out of my comfort zone. And as much as I hate to admit it, it’s working.

The one good thing about his proximity is that I can speak a bit more openly now. “Pardon my French,” I say in a low murmur, “but I don’t give a fuck what you want.”

Mikhail chuckles low and sinister, then he leans in, his lips nearly brushing my earlobe as he whispers, “It matters little to me if you despise me or not. I always get what I want in the end.”

My heart freezes in my chest at the thinly veiled threat. But before I can respond, Mikhail’s gone, slipping into the crowd like a ghost and leaving me trembling from head to foot.



“Just for an hour or two,” Silvia says, her hands gripping the back of the office chair as she pleads with Pyotr.

“I don’t think it’s a good idea. With the atmosphere as volatile as it is, it’s an unnecessary risk.” His look is grave as he studies Silvia from his desk chair, his face a mask.

But in his eyes, I can see the regret there. He doesn’t like denying his wife anything.

“Isla is going stir crazy, Pyotr,” she insists. “She needs to be outside, to do something a normal child might do. We can’t keep her locked in this house forever.”

Sighing, Pyotr presses his fingers to his temples and massages them. “I know.”

“Upstate can’t be her only safe place,” she points out gently. “It’s a beautiful day, and she needs playtime, an opportunity to connect with nature beyond the roof terrace.

“Maybe you’re right,” he grumbles.

“Sooo… yes?”

Pyotr gives a long pause, his gray eyes sharp and serious. “Fine. But I’m coming with you. Especially if you’re going to insist on Central Park.”

“It’s her favorite one,” Silvia pleads.

He nods acknowledgment. “And we’re taking a large number of guards,” he states, brooking no questions. Then he glances at his watch. “I have a meeting at two, so we need to be back before then.”

Silvia nods enthusiastically. “I’ll go get Isla ready.” She darts from the room with a brilliant smile.

Pyotr juts his chin in my direction, silently commanding me to pull together a large enough contingent of men that he and his girls will be safe for a stroll around the park. Between Val and I, we manage to pull together a good number of men worthy of the task who are also available.

Within the half-hour, we’re piling into three different cars, heading to Central Park for a stroll. I’m not sure even the president would merit the number of guards I’ve posted for the little family of three. But I’m not taking any chances.

And as we make our way down the trail, taking a short walk on our way toward the 110th Street playground, the park is bustling with tourists and locals alike, all out to enjoy the unseasonably sunny day after the cold snap that had settled in the city.

I keep my head on a swivel. While making the trip a spontaneous one will certainly help keep the family safe, I’m on high alert, as this park is one of the territories where the Zhivoder have been testing the line, challenging our local distributors.

Isla, on the other hand, seems entirely oblivious to the potential for danger. Instead, she keeps darting away from her parents to explore the park, hunting for chipmunks and other wildlife that catches her attention.

“Mama, look!” she says excitedly, carrying a rock back to her mother on an open palm, the gesture almost sacred.
