Page 8 of Sinner's Vow

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“Do you want to come upstate with us for your long weekend?” Silvia asks as we stand in the doorway to Isla’s room, watching her hold a tea party with her stuffed animals.

“You’re leaving?” I glance at Silvia in shock.

“Just me and Isla. Pyotr’s sending us away; I think he’s worried about our proximity to the conflict. After what happened, he hasn’t been sleeping, and I think it will give him peace of mind to know we’re safe.”

Twisting my lips, I nod. I understand his concern entirely. With Efrem working around the clock to protect Pyotr and his family, I’ve spent most of my time outside of school at the Matron’s brownstone house, keeping Silvia company. And the tension is palpable. The number of armed men on guard at all times makes it feel more like a fortress than a home at this point.

It’s such a stark contrast to the peaceful innocence of Isla’s imaginary world playing out before us. This Bratva life is no place for a child, but I’m impressed by how well Silvia is maintaining normalcy for her little girl. Isla seems entirely content and happy despite the danger and upheaval she’s surrounded by. And I respect Pyotr for seeing it and wanting to protect her.

“I ask because it sounds like Pyotr will be sending Efrem with us,” Silvia says, a knowing smile spreading across her lips. “I know you have school, and you might miss a few days, but I thought you might prefer the company at our estate.”

Heat warms my cheeks as I attempt to suppress a smile. I’m glad that Silvia and Pyotr know. That they’re entirely okay with me dating Efrem. Compared to my family, who have essentially disowned me because I refused to stop seeing him, the Veles family has been nothing but supportive. And I so appreciate their acceptance.

“Well, if you wouldn’t mind me joining you…” I hedge, my blush intensifying.

Silvia laughs. “It’ll be nice for me and Isla to have you around. It’s a big house to occupy without Pyotr. I’ll send you and Efrem with our driver to go pack.”

“When are we leaving?”

“This afternoon, if you can be ready,” Silvia says. “Maybe pack for five days? But I’m hoping we can be back sooner than that. It depends on how quickly I can wear Pyotr down.”

“You don’t want to go?” I ask, picking up on the underlying meaning of her words.

Silvia shrugs, her hazel eyes worried. “It’ll be nice to get away. And having Isla safe is my number one concern. But… I worry about how much influence Pyotr’s mother might have on his strategy against the Zhivoder if I’m not here.”

“You don’t trust her?” I’ve picked up on the tension between Silvia and her mother-in-law, the unspoken distrust. And Silvia gave me a small window of insight into the Matron’s self-serving yet cunning mind for strategy. But her worry now seems to have a sharp undercurrent.

“I just worry that she might incite more violence, which can only lead to—” Silvia stops abruptly as her eyes shift to something over my shoulder.

I glance back to find the Matron Veles approaching us, her severe expression somehow not detracting from her distinguished beauty. She has the same dark hair and intense gray eyes as Pyotr, though her refined features are more angular and delicate compared to her son’s strong jaw. Her signature French roll reminds me of a stern school principal, and she never has a hair out of place.

The two massive, scowling guards behind her only magnify her intimidating presence, and I swallow hard as I attempt a smile.

“Silvia, Pyotr would like to speak with you for a moment,” she states. “I can keep an eye on my granddaughter.”

Ever poised and polite, Silvia gives a cool smile. “Thank you, Matron.” Then she turns to me. “Walk me downstairs?”

The silence is tense as we make our way down, and the low sound of Pyotr’s voice floats up to meet us.

“I’ll let you know when you can bring them back,” he says, and I know he’s talking to Efrem before we make the landing.

“I should be here to protect you,” Efrem insists, and my eyes widen.

I don’t think I’ve ever heard him push back when Pyotr gives him an order.

“The plan is risky, and you will need your best men. You shouldn’t be sending me away. Val is still recovering, so you don’t have someone to watch your back…”

My stomach drops, and I glance sideways at Silvia as her feet falter on the stairs. She’s pale, her expression fearful, and I know she’s worried about what this risky plan might be.

“I’ll be fine. What I need is the peace of mind knowing my wife and daughter are safe. I’m charging you with protecting the two most precious people in this world to me. While I would rather have you by my side if it comes to a fight, I can’t entrust this job to anyone else. If things go wrong, I know you will do whatever it takes to keep them safe, and because I need the numbers, I must have someone with them who can do the work of a full security team.”

If things go wrong… My heart flips uncomfortably. Poor Silvia. Taking her hand, I squeeze it as tears pool in her eyes. She closes them as if trying to compose herself, then she briskly brushes away the single tear that rolls down her cheek.

“Yes, gospodin,” Efrem murmurs, though I can hear his distress.

I’m torn, relieved that Efrem will be safe and yet terrified that Pyotr will have neither of the two guards who have spent their lives protecting him. Whatever risky plan he’s concocted, it must be some kind of pushback for Mikhail setting Pyotr’s house on fire and killing his men—trying to kill Pyotr and his family.
