Page 48 of Faux Beau

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“Just playing the part,” she lied. And he knew it was a lie because, while she might cling to those rules, she wanted him—he was certain of it.

“For someone who claimed she’s a terrible liar, you’re pretty damn convincing.”

“I said I wasn’t good at keeping secrets.”

“That’s okay. You’re good at other things.” He nipped her earlobe. “Amazing, actually. So you might want to keep up the good work, because my sister’s friend is two tables behind us.”

“Is she watching?”

“Has been since she walked in. I think she may have even snapped a picture to send to Brynn.”

He felt Milly swallow. “What do you think the text would say?”

“Maybe it would say the town bachelor had found his person. Or maybe she’s asking Brynn if the rumors are true. Maybe she is placing bets on if we’re going home in one car or two. Or maybe she just thinks I’m telling you about my day.” He moved his hands around the front, letting his fingers dip down to her collarbone. He loved the feeling of her skin beneath his fingers.

She swallowed again—this time harder. “Why don’t you tell me about your day, then,” she said on a long exhale.

“Babe, I’ve got my hands all over you and you want to know about my day?”

Over her shoulder, she shot him a mischievous grin. “It’s what a girlfriend would ask her boyfriend. You were gone all weekend, it’s only natural I’d be curious. So, how was your weekend, babe?”

Had she asked him that question when he’d first walked into the café, he would have said long. After two days of competing, pushing his body to the limit, and being “on” in a never-ending circle of hanging with the fellas and meeting fans, he was burned-out. Then there’d been the long trek from Wyoming back to Sierra Vista. His first flight had been delayed so he missed his connection, leaving him stranded in Boise for six hours. He’d tried to catch up on some sleep last night but, frustratingly enough, his brain was fixated on family drama.

He couldn’t get the look on Lucas’s face out of his head when Jax had offered to plan the event. It had been disbelief. Not disbelief in the way that Lucas didn’t believe he’d offered, but disbelief as if he’d had a hard time picturing Jax delivering on his promise. And while Jax might be stubborn and occasionally a hothead, he’d only ever defaulted on one promise.

That had been to his mom and the decision had been ripped out of his hands.

Milly must have mistaken his silence for indifference because she cleared her throat and looked back at him. “I didn’t mean to push. I was just curious.”

“Because of our arrangement?”

“Because we’re friends. Right?” Her eyes darted to the side, but before they did he saw a hint of confusion and uncertainty.

He crooked a finger beneath her chin, tilting her head until she met his gaze. “Of course, we’re friends. And you weren’t pushing. I’ve just got road-trip hangover. I left from Wyoming around six this morning and because of weather delays I arrived back here right before meeting you.”

“You could have canceled. I would have understood.”

“I know.” There was no chance he’d have canceled on Milly. Even though the cocoa meeting included spreadsheets and the exact number of folding chairs ordered, it was the thing he’d been the most excited to get back for. Something he didn’t want to examine too carefully. “Now, ask away.”

Her smile broadened in approval, then she turned back around.

“Let’s start with your competition. How did that go?” She patted her shoulders, as in Get back to work. He chuckled.

“It went okay.” More like, he’d been okay. Wyoming was one of his favorite places to board and the Xtreme Games was one of the top competitions of the season. The event didn’t fail to impress. The weather had been great, the powder perfectly packed, and some of his closest buddies had been there. But he’d been distracted. Between the idea of Peggy and Kent selling the lodge and thinking about his relationship with Lucas, his head hadn’t been in the game.

“Okay is a pretty broad word. Plus, you placed fifth. Out of a hundred people!” She twisted slightly in her seat. Not enough for him to stop massaging but enough to where she could meet his gaze. “That puts you in the top five percent!”

“Last year I was in the top one percent,” he said, noting that the frustration he’d felt earlier over his placement wasn’t as strong. “You been googling me, angel?”

“I may have heard it around town,” she said, the little liar. “And besides the ranking, which you should be totally proud of, what would have made your trip better?”

He moved his hands a little higher, his fingers wrapping around the front. Her head fell back against his shoulder. “This,” he whispered and realized that it was true. When she’d walked into that café he’d snapped out of his funk. He pressed his lips to her temple. “And this.”

He kissed her until he reached the start of her hairline. He breathed her in. “God, you smell good. What is that?”

“My conditioner.”

“I need to switch conditioners,” he whispered into her ear. “So that when I’m taking my morning shower, I can coat my hand with it. Then when I’m pumping into it the room will smell like you.”
