Page 49 of Faux Beau

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She met his gaze through her lashes. “I haven’t washed the pillowcase you used and at night I smell it.”

He let out a low growl. “What else do you do with it?”

Her face pinkened but she still held his gaze. “Verbal foreplay is off-limits.”

“Damn, baby.” He slid his hands around to her belly and she sucked in a breath. He allowed himself exactly five seconds to dream about what it would feel like if he slipped his hands into her jeans, then pulled them out from under her sweater and tugged the hem back down.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“If I asked you to come back to my place, what would you say?”

“That I don’t think we’d make it farther than the car.”

His dick agreed. Which was why … “While I want to take you home and massage every inch of your body, I made you a promise and I never go back on my word. Which means I need to walk you to your car and then go back to the lodge in mine.”

Chapter Thirteen

Take Life by the Balls

Shout from the mountain top.

“Don’t ruin it by opening your mouth.”

Jax had just hung up with three different companies, all of whom committed to either a sponsorship or donation, and he was feeling damn proud of himself. He’d officially taken on the Sierra Vista Cup three days ago and he’d already increased the family pot by thirty grand.

“You want to tell me why Brandon Turner from Samson Ski Wax just called me to ask why our order has been canceled?” Lucas asked from the doorway to Jax’s office. Well, it wasn’t really Jax’s office—he didn’t have one—it was on loan from the events manager who’d gone on maternity leave last month.

“You want to close the door before lecturing me?” Jax said. “I’m not sure ski patrol heard you from the top of the mountain.”

His brother gave him a long, even look. And while Lucas would have Jax believing that he was calm and collected, Jax knew better. His twin was in a mood. So while he stepped in the office and closed the door behind him, he didn’t take a seat, instead standing with his legs in a wide stance and arms crossed in irritation.

“Samson Ski Wax has been our supplier since the first year of the Cup.”

“Samson Ski Wax is a shit brand,” Jax explained. “They’re overpriced and targeted toward wannabes who don’t know any better.”

“While that would have been helpful information to know last year when the board decided to go with Brandon’s company again, it doesn’t do us a whole lot of good now. Which is why I had him put the order back in.”

Now it was Jax’s turn to shout. “Without consulting me?”

“You didn’t consult me when you dumped our wax company.”

“Because it isn’t your job anymore. It’s my job now. And for the record, I didn’t make some last-minute decisions to change suppliers for shits and giggles. I have a close contact at a competing company, whose product is far superior, and I got them to commit to not only give us enough units to fill every swag bag, but they’re also sponsoring the event.”

“How much?”

Jax rattled off a number that had Lucas looking impressed. “You got all this done since our talk last week?”

“It’s not rocket science. And Milly helped.” She hadn’t made any of the calls, Jax had done that, but she’d identified some of the vendors they could approach and vendors that they had to stick with due to the event being just weeks away. “Look, I understand the limitations we’re under with the time constraint, but I’m going to do what I can to help. However, I can’t make things happen with you micromanaging me.” Jax stopped, a sudden thought crossing his mind.

“Are you trying to find mistakes so that you can point out what a disappointment I am?” Jax asked.

Lucas’s eyes went wide with surprise. “Do you really think I’d do that?”

“Shit, man, I don’t know what to think.”

The look on his brother’s face was a familiar one, one he remembered from the day Jax had caught Lucas in the biggest lie of his life. “For the record, I’d never do that. I got the call from Brandon and wanted to double check to see what was going on. Looking at the invoices, I noticed that we’d canceled accounts with two other vendors.”

Feeling the impending frustration that came with someone undermining him, deliberately or not, Jax scratched at his face, the scruff reminding him that he hadn’t had more than a handful of hours sleep since Monday. And that was on the back of an exhausting weekend.
