Page 66 of Faux Beau

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Peggy clasped her hands, her eyes brimming with pride.

“I know I’m gone, a lot,” Jax said. “But I also know I can bring in sponsors and donors, even find and train a new business development person to handle all the accounts. Work with legal, make sure everything gets buttoned up.”

He knew that it was going to be hard juggling his life, but he’d have time in the off season. He just had to get through the next few months, then come spring he could really focus on growing the lodge’s brand. Plus, he wasn’t a spring chicken anymore; his knees told him that every morning when he climbed out of bed.

“I hate to admit it, but my competition seasons are numbered and when things come to an end—and they will—it would be great to have something like the lodge to come home to.”

Something to grow with his siblings. Something to be a part of.

“Of course you do, sweetie,” Peggy said.

All eyes turned to Lucas, waiting for him to say that he was going to captain this ship. And Jax saw the complacency in his eyes, knew he was going to agree to something he really didn’t want to agree to.

Before Lucas could open his mouth, Jax jumped in. “And just like I’ll need someone to help me, I think we should hire a new president, Kent,” he said. “With you being in Santa Barbara, Lucas will need someone to manage the details so Lucas can steer the direction of the company. Or we can hire someone as CEO so Lucas can—”

Lucas abruptly stood and gripped Jax’s arms, practically dragging him to his feet. “Can I see you for a moment outside?”

Once outside, Lucas slammed the conference room door and spun to face Jax.

“What the hell, man?” Lucas shouted, his jaw tight as he fisted his right hand. “You went behind my back?”

“I didn’t go behind your back. Just because you didn’t think it was a good solution doesn’t mean that it isn’t. In fact, everyone in there seems to think it’s a pretty fucking great idea.”

“An idea that only works if I stay on as CEO.”

“I see you still have the whole-world-on-my-shoulders complex. Jesus, I should start calling you Atlas.”

“And I see you’re still a self-centered asshole, bro,” he said as if he’d expected Jax to drop the idea just because Brother Knows Best didn’t approve.

“You want out, okay, then here’s your chance,” Jax said. “You said your heart isn’t in this anymore. I call bullshit, but you’re too stubborn to recognize I’m right. But here’s the thing, the hearts of everyone else in that room is in this, bro. We don’t need you standing guard like Superman coming to our rescue. Lose the cape and just be Clark Kent. Sell some of your shares and give AvalancheEx another go.”

Lucas narrowed his eyes. “Just like that. Just up and tell the man who took me under his wing, took me into his family, taught me everything I know, and told me I was as much his son as Harris and Nolan, that I’m out?”

“You were out when they wanted to sell. What’s the difference?”

“The difference is that everyone is staying, and I’d be leaving.”

And that was the crux of the problem. Lucas was so afraid of being like their parents that he’d rather stay in a shitty situation and make do than let someone down.

“Everyone has to run away from home at some point. Maybe it’s your time.”

“That’s more your style,” Lucas said.

Jax didn’t question his anger. He loved their mom in the same perverse way Jax did. It was this twisted power struggle their parents held over them. Both abandoning their sons in their own unique way. But the pain was the same.

“You’re pissed when I leave. Pissed when I come home. What the hell do you want?”

“You to be straight with me.”

“You?” Jax shot back. “You want me? To be straight with you?”

“I screwed up, let it go,” Lucas said, and Jax noticed he was missing the sorry part of the apology. “And why the hell didn’t you tell me you talked with Peggy and Kent? Instead, I was blindsided in front of everyone. So much for having my back.”

“Feels like shit, doesn’t it?” The second the words left his mouth he regretted them. Lucas’s entire demeanor changed. He went low, sinking into his stance like preparing for a row. His jaw was so clenched, one flick and it would shatter. “Are you serio—?”

That was all Jax got out before Lucas’s fist plowed into his face, knocking the words back into his throat—and kicking Jax back several steps. It wasn’t quite a stars-and-ringing-bells kind of punch but it hurt like hell.

“Shit.” Jax probed his face for broken bones, then cracked his neck from side to side. He could taste blood, telling him he had a split lip which would likely swell to the size of a jawbreaker by nightfall.
