Page 67 of Faux Beau

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Lucas looked damn proud of himself, shifting his weight side to side, stupid-ass grin on his smug face.

“How does being blindsided feel, prick?” Lucas spat.

Jax took a step forward and let his fist fly, catching Lucas right in the nose that he always held so high in the air. The nose he used to root around in Jax’s private life and complicate shit. The nose that thought his shit didn’t stink.

On contact there was a loud crunch, followed by a sharp pain in Jax’s knuckles. Jesus, his brother had a hard head.

“I think you broke it.” Lucas wiped his nose with the back of his hand, staining his shirt sleeve in the process.

“It’s not broken. It’s a little owie. Do you need a Band-Aid?”

Lucas lowered his shoulder and rammed Jax backward until he hit the wall with a thud. Lucas was going for a jab to the ribs when someone demanded to know, “What is going on?”

Jax shoved Lucas off him and both men stared each other down for a brief moment. So much was being said in those few seconds before they broke eye contact.

Jax looked behind Lucas to find Milly looking exactly like his life preserver in a tumultuous sea crashing against the cliffs of rage and regret. What the hell had happened? He and Lucas didn’t fight. Ever. Oh, they’d been in fights, but it was always them against the world. Even when one or the other wasn’t necessarily down for the cause. But that was how they worked—in tandem. Well, they used to.

Now, they were both circling around each other, waiting for the other to pounce.

“Oh my god, are you okay?” she asked, looking at Lucas and, well, shit that hurt. He watched her walk up to his brother—and right past him—coming to stand in front of Jax.

She was dressed in fitted jeans that were distressed around each one of her curves, a bright-blue, soft-looking sweater that fell off one shoulder, exposing a tiny black strap that made him wonder what lacy thing she had on beneath. Her eyes were wide with concern.

She reached out and gently ran a finger over his split lip and he barely resisted the urge to groan. Damn, Lucas knew how to throw a sucker punch. He had three choices:

1.Play it up and maybe get some loving out of it—total dick move.

2.Brush it off—his normal MO.

3.Hit Lucas again—his fists were on board.

Jax went for the first and Lucas knew what he was going to do before he even made a move, because his brother rolled his eyes.

Jax cupped Milly’s hand and held her finger against his lips and then kissed it. And, damn, if it had zero to do with proving their relationship was legit.

“I’ll be okay,” Jax said, kissing another finger. Then another.

She turned to Lucas, but not before taking Jax’s hand in solidarity. “Are you okay?” she asked his brother.

“Never been better,” Lucas said, then shot Jax a To be continued glare. “Next time you ask to come onto my island, remind me to shoot a hole in your boat.”

Chapter Nineteen

Take Life by the Balls

Dream under the stars.

“What are we doing?” Milly asked Jax, feeling as if she were on unsure footing.

“We are having another adventure,” he said. “Now stop fidgeting.”

“If I could just see where you’re taking me.” She reached up to her eyes and he took her hand, dropping it back down to her side.

“The blindfold stays on.”

“Is that really necessary?”

“All great nights start with a blindfold. Wouldn’t you say?”
