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It’s clear from the stern expression on the man’s face that he’s not going to let either girl into the club.

But, it’s equally clear from Katya’s posture and whirlwind personality that she’s absolutely not going to take no for an answer. A battle of wills has been declared and I think I know exactly who is going to be the winner. I didn’t expect somebody so feminine to be that aggressive. Serves me right for underestimating her. A mistake that I won’t make again.

Hell, it’s almost worth being waylaid from the entrance just to watch her work. I can’t help but wonder if she approaches everything in her life with this same sort of dedication and fearless passion.

My mind flashes to her on her knees in front of me all over again. My mind’s eye pictures her glaring up at me with that fiery temper and telling me to ‘make her’ in that very same tone of voice that she’s using right now in an attempt to get inside of this club.

Get it together, Luca. Focus.

Katya looks even better up close. I can almost smell the sweetness of her perfume. I want to wrap her hair around my wrist and see her look up at me with the same intensity and stubbornness that she’s currently showing the bouncer.

“Come on, it’s useless. This egg head isn’t going to let us in, babe.” Marci speaks softly to Katya, her arms folded in front of her as she attempts to calm Katya down. Or does she just not like that they are making a scene? Katya certainly doesn’t seem to mind.

Katya makes a noise of protest.

I watch with interest, sliding my hands into my pockets as I wait for the right moment to make my move. The line seems to be slowly moving back and away from the scene that she’s causing so that they don’t have to be witness to anything in case security or the cops show up. As if they would dare.

“Bullshit. Everybody has a price, so I’m going to have to resort to something that I really didn’t want to do.” Katya sneers. She looks at him like she’s got an ace up her skirt that she’s been itching to use.

“If you don’t get out of here, I’m going to throw you over my shoulder until I can hurl your bratty ass into the gutters, where you clearly belong.” The bouncer says.

Katya runs her tongue along her teeth. “Put your hands on me, Idareyou.”

Even the bouncer isn’t stupid enough to take that dare.

I have to fight to keep from laughing.

Damn. I cannot like this girl. That just might be theworstthing that could possibly happen right now.



This man is at least three times my size.

I kind of want him to swing on me.

Just to see what will happen. He’s big and looks like he’s pretty slow. My brother has trained me to be able to defend myself since I was a tiny little thing so I have absolute confidence in myself and my abilities. Plus, I have motivation to get inside of this building because there is no way in hell I’m going to let bitchy little Xavier get away with doing this to my girl Marci.

If he doesn’t get out of my way in the next three seconds, then I’m going to have to take matters into my own hands and things are going to get really ugly, really fast. Realistically, I’m going to get one swing on this beefy man before my brother’s men takehim out. I tried to shake them, I really did. But, it’s only a matter of time before they come crawling out of the woodwork.

They might not think that I can see them following me around and trailing my every move - but of course I can. I’m overly aware of them watching me. No doubt reporting every terrible word that I’m saying while I’m making my little scene to my brother.

Well, he can lecture me for it later.

I need to get into this club as quickly as possible to give me enough time before Alexei’s men haul me right out of here. I basically had to sell my soul to the man who drove our car to keep from ratting us out right away. Loyalty to my brother runs deeply in his men. As it should. But that loyalty doesn’t get to hold me hostage either.

“I have told you once, and I will only tell you one more time since I’m sure there’s a lot of echoing happening between your ears.” I gesture to his head while I speak. “We need to get into that club, right now. I don’t give adamnif you think we are on the list or not.”

“And I toldyou. No list, no entrance. Get the hell out of my line so that I can move on with my evening.” the bouncer growls at me.

“Make me, potato head.” My eyes narrow as I drop my shoulders and bend my knees. If he so much as takes a step toward me, I’m going to dart around him and inside of this club whether he likesit or not. There’s literally nothing that he can do to stop me. He’s got size on me for sure, but I’m faster. I’m absolutely certain of it.

I could have given the man my name and gotten entrance, but I wanted to keep my identity low key. Alexei has a very, very strict no-boyfriends-at-work policy and if he knew that one of Marci’s regulars was the one who got her preggo in the first place, there will be hell to pay. He won’t like that Xavier is costing him one of his best dancers in a few short months. Plus, it could cost her any severance for breaking one of the rules of her contract.

It certainly wasn’t worth it as clearly, Xavier is a douche.

I still can’t believe the terrible things that he said to her. If he doesn’t want to be a part of their lives, that’s one thing, but that doesn’t mean he gets to just stick his head in the sand and pretend that this isn’t happening. Takes two to tango and all of that jazz. He owes Marci more than a temper tantrum. He needs to take responsibility for his part of this. In no world should Marci have to deal with this on her own. At the very least, he’s going to pay her what she’s owed for the kid if she chooses to keep it. Fair and square. Should have thought about the long-term consequences if he didn’t want to wrap it up in the first damn place.
