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If I have to drag him out by his ear, I will do that too.

“We should go, Katya, this isn’t going to happen.” Marci whispers.

I glance at the look of defeat she’s wearing and shake my head.

“You should listen to your friend here. Only officials on the list get in.” The bouncer repeats.

Well, bribing, flirting, and threats of violence hadn’t worked on this man yet. I’m running out of options. He’s calling my bluff and I don’t like it. I’m a very, very sore loser.

So, making a scene it is.

I smirk and take a step back. When I speak next, it’s loud and projected to be heard over the music slipping out of the club every time the doors are cracked open.

“Well, if that’s what your hostXavier Duncanwants! If he is really the sort of man to get a woman in trouble and then leave her high and dry, so be it. God forbid such animportantandinfluentialman be known as the flaky deadbeat that he is!” I make eye contact with the closest couple to me and nod. “Oh yeah, knocked this one up and then won’t be a man about it. That’s the man you want to give money to? The sort of man whobansthe mother of hischildfrom his opening night!”

Marci, to her credit, starts to blubber and cry. She places her hands on her stomach and starts to really ham it up. “It’s okay baby, daddy just don’t want us.”

I almost break character to laugh.

“But hey, if we’re not on the list - I guess I can call some of the press over here and see what they have to say about this wholesituation?! That’s what you want to do, right? Let everybody know all of your boss’ dirty laundry just because he don’t want to pick up after himself? Because he can’t even let his baby mama in the front damn door?”

The bouncer looks like he wants to strangle me with his bare hands.

The man presses a button on his in-ear communication device and starts to whisper angrily to somebody inside of the club. No doubt he’s trying to figure out what he’s going to do now that it’s perfectly obvious that I’m willing to go all of the way off of the rails to get what I want.

But he doesn’t have to wait long because only a moment later a painfully handsome man walks up to us. I almost can’t look at him directly. Tall, built like a MMA fighter with the swagger to match. His black, perfectly styled hair and chocolate brown eyes paired with a devilishly charming smile shut me up so hard my teeth click closed. He’s the sort of dangerously handsome that makes a girl wet just by looking at her the right way.

“Perhaps I can be of some assistance?”

I can’t place his subtle accent right away, but I know it’s damned sexy. Clearly he’s bilingual, and I want to know what it would feel like to hear his deep voice rumbling sexy nothings into the shell of my ear.

I’m rendered mute as Marci steps into my side and links her arm with my own. We exchange knowing glances and at least I'm notthe only one affected by this guy’s tightly controlled aura. He smiles at the bouncer and even the burly man seems affected.

The man lifts an arm and motions for both Marci and I to shuffle closer to him. He effortlessly manages to step between the pair of us and place an arm around both of our waists. “I am sorry that I had my dates waiting this long, but these lovely ladies are with me.”

“They are?” The bouncer doesn't look like he believes him at first, but also seems to instantly regret questioning this man the moment that he speaks.

Just who is this guy?

“You can’t blame them for doing anything they could when they thought that I was already in the club, can you?” He gives Marci a wink as he speaks.

“...yeah,” Marci picks up on his drift and starts to play along. “You donotwant to see this one when he doesn’t get what he wants.”

The man’s smile widens into something that borders on predatory as he turns his focus back to the bouncer. Whatever the bouncer sees in this man’s handsome face, he clearly doesn’t want any of the trouble that would come with not giving him what he wants. Wisely, he makes the right choice to stop denying us access.

“Sorry. So… so sorry sir.” The large man practically fumbles over the entrance curtain with how quickly he moves his thick fingers to allow this man, and us, entrance into the club that he had been so adamant about barring us access to.

Alexei will kill me dead when he finds out that not only have I escaped all of the guards he placed with me, but now I’m letting a stranger touch me.

I place my arm around the man’s muscled waist to help sell the act a little bit more as we move as a thruple into the building. From the dark evening night and the glow of streetlights to something somehow more intimate. Still dark, but with low, colored lights that pulse in time to the music and vibrate up through my legs to my very core.

Mercy, this man smellsincredible.

I glance around him to Marci, who doesn’t seem like she understands what just happened any better than I do but isn’t going to question it either. Even as the man moves into the first alcove that he comes across and removes his hands from us.

Oddly, I miss the warmth of his large hand around my waist. Even if he had no right to touch me, I can’t say that Ihatedit. But why help us? I don’t know him, but the bouncer didn’t ask for his name so clearly, he’s somebody important.

Now, the question is if he’s going to say we owe him for the favor he just did for us.
