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Katya nods into my chest and says something so muffled that I can’t quite make it out.

Nothing matters so long as we are together. I need her to know that.

My fingers twist into her hair and tilt her head back up to look at me. There’s such an open vulnerability in her eyes that I’m taken aback. She grips my shirt hard and pulls me down to her height to kiss her firmly.

It’s every bit an apology from both of us and hope for the future at the same time.

Beside us, Alexei clears his throat pointedly and Katya breaks the kiss. She smiles at her brother with a blush on her cheeks as she lowers herself back onto her feet.

“Take me home, Luca.” She says as I bend to scoop her off of her feet in the same fashion that Dario did moments before.

There’s nothing I would rather do.



One week later

“How do you like your new title?” I ask Dario as he adjusts the fit of his coat for the hundredth time. It was a natural allocation to make him my underboss.

Taking up my space as boss of the clan was easier than I expected. It turns out the majority of the men were on my side anyway. However, those that I had presumed were loyal to my father came to their senses faster than I could have hoped.

My men weren’t the only ones fed up with this pointless war. The men were all at their breaking limit as it was. They couldn’t resign or work less than the grueling hours demanded by Enzo for fear of the lives of their families.

With things still being officially settled between Alexei and I, everybody is enjoying a much-needed break.

“It’s always been my title.” Dario answers with a smirk as he glances at my reflection in the mirror that he’s admiring himself in.

“Well, yeah, but now it’s official.” I tease as I watch him fuss and fret over his appearance. It’s new for him to seem so worried.

Dario dares to roll his eyes at me and I’m tempted to push him for the gesture.

“So, things are going well with Marci, I presume?” I ask when he doesn’t say anything else.

Dario sighs softly. “Is it that obvious?”

“I cannot imagine another reason for you fretting like this. Though, if her reaction to you was any indication of how she feels about you, I don’t think that you really have anything to worry about.” I say with a grin. I hope that my words bring him some sort of comfort.

“Yeah, well… you never know. I mean, just because she works in Alexei’s club doesn’t mean that she truly understands what we do for a living.”

“True, but you should give her more credit than that. She’s also Katya’s best friend. She knows what’s up.” I answer easily.

“She’s going to have a kid… can I really blame her if she doesn’t want to get involved with this life or have a kid in it?BecauseKatya’s her best friend she will know how it can mess with a person… the sort of danger that we live in every day.” Dario reasons.

I understand his concerns. I suppose that I got really lucky with Katya that way. The way that I live my life isn’t a surprise to her because she’s watched her brother. She’s been involved every step of the way.

“Being kidnapped is enlightening. If she got held hostage by my father of all people and still didn’t crack? You have to trust that she knows what’s best for herself and her child.” I reason.

Dario still looks as close to nervous as I’ve ever seen him be.

“Relax. It’s going to go well. She obviously likes you… more important than that even, shetrustsyou.” I clap a hand on his shoulder and squeeze it reassuringly. “God knows why.”

Dario’s brow flattens as he sighs at my poor attempt at teasing him. “Shouldn’t you be getting ready for your own date right about now?”

I glance down at my watch. “I have time.”

“Things with Katya are going well?” Dario asks.
