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This is the first time that he and I have been able to take more than five minutes for ourselves over the past week. Besides the paperwork, I had to personally visit with my men to ensure that everything is moving the way I need. All the while, Dario has been out running around town and checking our contracts and allies to ensure that everybody knows about the change of command with the clan.

To say that we’re exhausted would be putting it nicely.

Not that Katya and I have been neglecting one another. Hardly. But she’s been better than me at keeping in touch, naturally. But I still collapse into her bed at the end of each and every night. Her little apartment’s grown on me. She’s still not truly considering the idea of moving in with me in my much larger home… but I think that I will wear her down in time.

“Tonight is going to be our first official date as well.” I sigh and cross my legs at the ankles. “I had a dress delivered to her place this morning with the instructions of when I’m going to have a car pick her up. But it almost feels like we are doing things backward.”

“Funny how what was supposed to be a one-night stand ended up like this, huh?” Dario teases.

“I suppose it would have been very different entirely if I had killed her like we were supposed to.” I can hardly even fathom the idea now. Not when she’s come to mean so much to me.

I’ve done a lot more than just send her a dress. I practically assaulted her with flowers for the apartment and the jewels I wanted to see her wear. Naturally, I did not include anything to gounderthe dress. My mouth practically salivates justthinkingabout her in the dress that I chose.

“Attempted murder, one-night stand, practically moving in together, another attempted murder, actual murder - first date.” Dario teases. “Isn’t that how all the story books tell you how to do things?”

I cuff him on the shoulder as I laugh. “Have fun with Marci tonight.”

“I plan to.” He answers. “If you need me…”

Always so diligent. He’s the perfect underboss. I know that should anything happen, he will up and leave that date for me. But I wouldn’t do that to him.

“I won’t.”

With that, we part ways. I’m happy that he’s finally found the person that he wants to be with. Doesn’t matter how unconventional the arrangement is, he more than deserves it.

I turn and head back to my own place to get ready for my own date.

I can’t help but picture Katya in the halls of my home every time that I step foot in here. I’m sure that she will want to redecorate to make herself feel at home here but I’m more than fine with that. I almostexpecther to be here when I visit. Which, given that I’m spending far more time with her than here, is saying something.

It never felt like it was too big or too empty for me before I met her. Now, I just head straight to my closet and change as swiftly as I can. Black shirt with the top few buttons undone, black slacks and polished black shoes. Simple and easy. I want to ensure that Katya is the highlight and focus of our date, just like she should be.

She better be ready when I get there.

Katya always pretends she doesn’t like being told what to do, but I know better. I know how much she craves it. She likes the surrender. She just needs a firm hand in order to do it. I’m more than happy to be that person for her. For as long as she will have me.




Luca is a damned bastard to think that he can just push me around like this. Tell me what to wear and when to be ready? The nerve of him to just assume that I’m free and that I don’t have better things to be doing with my time. It’s not like I’ve been able to see him in the daylight hours for the past week… and now he’s doing this?!

It’s presumptuous, is what it is.

I kind of love it.

The entire apartment smells like roses. It’s amazing. He managed to get a large bouquet on the living room tableand small vases scattered around the space to make it almost overwhelming but sweet all at the same time. I don’t even know where to begin.

The box with my dress is sitting on my bed. Complete with a black bow wrapped around the lid. As I open it, I spot the small earring box but I don’t even bother attempting to open the earrings the moment I see the dress. It looks like molten gold in dress form. I’ve never seen anything like it. I pull the dainty straps from the box slowly and walk backward to lift the gown from its container. I lay it flat out on the bed just to marvel at the stunning thing. I waste no time in peeling off my clothes until I’m naked and slowly step into the marvel of fashion. It feels buttery smooth against my skin. It catches the light as I turn to see myself in the long mirror hanging from my closet door. I wear it like it’s a second skin. Nothing would fit under this dress. Not that Luca included anything to be worn underneath it.

It plunges in the front and even lower in the back. I can already imagine what it’s going to be like being escorted by Luca and his rough, calloused hands brushing against all of this exposed skin. I pin my hair up and style it with loose tendrils around my face so that it really accentuates my neck and collar bones in a way that I hope will drive Lucawild. Not that sharing my bed with him is anything less than incredible… but this is a whole new venture for us.

We will be out in public together. I have no idea where he’s taking me or what he’s thinking that we are going to do in a dress like this but I don’t care. I just want to spend time with him.

I put on the teardrop shaped diamond earrings and try not to guess how much the stunning rocks must have cost. They further accentuate my look for the evening. Subtle makeup and the heels that Luca has included and I’m ready to go. I feel beautiful in my skin. I cannot wait for him to eat his heart out.

Right before I leave the apartment, I pause to grab one of the roses that he has had delivered for me and push it into my hair. There. Perfect. And with three minutes to spare.
