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“You shouldn’t even be here, so I’m not sure what you’re getting at.” I answer snarkily to the man who is also supposed to be home with Marci. Well, I’m not sure if they have moved in together or not but I do know that he’s been the one running out for all of her pregnancy cravings in the middle of the night. Dario never was much of a cook before but now that she’s learned to crave pasta, he’s gotten really good at it.

I have a sneaking suspicion that Zia’s been helping him on the weekends. Even if that’s only because she doesn’t want to get woken up in the middle of the night by his questions anymore.

“If I weren’t here, sir, then you might go back on the plan.”

I pause before getting into the car. “Since when have you known me to be a coward about anything?”

The notion is downright offensive.

“Never, sir. But - you’ve never had quite so much to lose before either.”

I duck into the car without another word. He’s right. I hate that he’s right. I can’t even remember the last time that I feltnervousabout something. “To the house, Dario.”

Lately I’ve only been stopping off at my own place in order to grab more clothes or trade stuff out. It doesn’t even feel like my own place anymore. The time is rapidly approaching that I need to either ask Katya to move in or ask if she wants to start looking at other places because, as fond as I am of her small place in Alexei’s compound, we need our own space.Ineed space to run my own businesses at the very least.

I’m already half stripped by the time that I make it up to my bedroom. The bed is still made - just like it has been for the last month. I relocated most of my personal staff because I just didn’t need them anymore. No use cooking and cleaning in an empty house for nobody.

I think by now I’ve moved most of my closet over into that tiny apartment anyway.

I grab a suit from one of my hangers. A dark green number that really brings out my eyes. It will complement the dress that I had sent over for her this morning very well. Last time that I sent her a dress I got a barrage of texts about how presumptuous I was in the first place. Now, I think that she’s come to like it. It wasn’t easy for her to give up control to me, but we’re both better off for it.

A spritz of cologne after I get dressed and I’m on my way.

I get into the car that Dario has waiting for me and take a long glance back at the house. I wonder if we will get more acquainted again if this evening doesn’t go the way that I want it to.

Either way, a big change is coming.


Damn if Luca doesn’t have good taste.

Tonight’s gown is a dusty rose color with diamond accents. Real diamonds in the straps, if I know Luca. Which I do. The neckline is dainty and cowled. The satin of the dress will hug my every curve and the dress falls in length down to my knees. Naturally, there’s a salacious slit up one thigh. He’s sent over a diamond tennis bracelet to pair with the strappy diamond heels that will wrap up my ankles and part of my calf. It’s flashy to the pointthat it almost gives me the impression that he’s taking me to a party.

Not that I would mind a party.

But it’s been too long since I’ve been able to spend any time with Luca outside of my bedroom. I understand why. It’s not that I’mmadat him for putting work first at such a crucial time as this but I want him to spend more time with me. I want to be more of a priority to him than I am right now.

It doesn’t matter that we have a good foundation. If that’s even what this is. Luca has been answering his phone less and less. The sex is mind blowing as always, but the communication that I have come to love isn’t there anymore. I have to go through my brother if I want a direct answer in any sort of timeliness and that’s not the way to have a relationship.

I’m not going to spend my life trauma-bonded to somebody just because we happened to go through something huge together.

I deserve better than that.

I’m going to wear his dress. I’m going to get all dolled up just like he wants me to and then I’m going to give him a what for. I’m going to tell him what’s on my mind and he’s going to get his act together.

Or else.

But it’s the else that I’m worried about.

There’s no way that he’s sending me dresses like this if he’s going to break up with me, right?

I’ve always been the one to end all of my relationships in the past. Nobody breaks up withme.

Still, there’s a sinking, uneasy feeling in my chest all the same. I don’t want to lose him. Even though we are still technically in the beginning stages of a normal relationship, nothing about the two of us has ever been normal. We’ve never done things the way that we’re supposed to do them. It’s how it works for us. He practically lives here. Even if he doesn’t have all of his stuff here. What he does have is piled on every available surface. Between the additional work that I’ve been doing for Alexei and Luca being gone… I need to hire a better housekeeper.

The only reason I refused to allow Alexei to hire one for me is that I can’t stand the idea of somebody else in this space. Not after it was almost invaded.

Maybe that’s why I feel like I need Luca around so much more than he has been.
