Page 15 of Dae'mons and Doms

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However, the other Peace Keeper was keeping an eye on Ketha and he saw her backing away.

“Not so fast, Missy!” he exclaimed, reaching for the blaster strapped to his belt. “If you think you can just come in here and make the Chief cry like that?—”

But he didn’t get to finish his sentence because Ketha sprayed him as well and he suddenly began laughing hysterically.

“Bliger?” the last remaining Peach Keeper asked, staring at his coworker in consternation. “What’s wrong with you? What’s so fuckin’ funny?”

“Don’t…know!” the affected Peach Keeper wheezed and then started laughing again.

“What did you do to them?” The third Peace Keeper looked up at Ketha, a bewildered expression on his face. “What’swrongwith them?”

“Nothing that a few hours in a quiet room won’t fix,” she said evenly. She was still holding the silver ES canister in one hand and she raised it threateningly. “Stay back unless you want some yourself.”

“You think I’m afraid of you?” the remaining Peace Keeper demanded, beginning to draw his blaster. “You think?—?”

Ketha twisted the nozzle of the canister to it’s maximum distance and sprayed him.

At once the final Peace Keeper ripped open his trousers and fisted his rather stubby cock.

“Oh my Goddess!” he moaned, falling to his knees and beginning to pump his shaft in unbridled lust. “So…fucking…horny!”

At this point, a fourth Peace Keeper Ketha hadn’t noticed before approached.

“What did youdoto them?” he asked, looking at his crying, laughing, lusting co-workers in bewilderment. “Who are you and what have youdone?”

Ketha gave him a stern look.

“Do you want to join them? You’ll be laughing or crying or…doing other things, for hours,” she warned, holding up the canister of Emotion Spray.

“No…no!” The fourth Peace Keeper held up his hands in a “don’t shoot” gesture. “Please, lady—just go on your way. Don’t shoot me with that stuff!”

“I won’t as long as you keep your distance and let me leave,” Ketha said evenly. “I don’t want any trouble but if you make a move towards me, you’ll be crying your eyes out or laughing so hard you wet yourself! Or possibly jerking yourself off until youactuallyjerk it off, if you know what I mean,” she added, nodding at the Peace Keeper who was currently flogging his man-meat mercilessly.

She backed away, holding the ES spray in front of her threateningly. As for the fourth Peace Keeper, he didn’t try to follow her. Instead he was busy trying to get his three fellow Peace Keepers to calm down so he could, presumably, lead them away to a more private area where they could cry and laugh and jerk off in peace.

The bullybraids were still screeching in their shrill voices and Ketha considered spraying them as well. But she wasn’t sure how that would affect Fry’nox, the Blurbian they lived on, who really hadn’t done anything at all to her. In fact, despite all the commotion, he was still sitting behind the chipped plasti-wood counter, silently contemplating his hand like it was the most interesting sight in the space station—which was most definitelynotthe case considering the Peace Keepers.

Ketha pulled her hood back up to cover her face and continued moving away from the “scene of the crime” as quietly as she could. Luckily everything had happened fast and nobody seemed to realize that she was the source of all the confusion. People were staring at the three Peace Keepers who were overcome with emotion and nobody was looking at her at all.

Or so she thought.

Just as she had finally reached the exit of the space station a big, strong hand gripped her arm. At the same time, another hand grabbed her by her other wrist and squeezed, causing her to drop the Emotion Spray canister with a clatter to the chipped tile floor.

“Well, well,” a familiar voice rumbled in her ear. “Very impressive, little girl.

The last time I saw a shit storm that intense was when a vat holding extra creamychizwickmilk exploded and drenched a lot of lactose intolerant Verbath investors who were touring a hydro-dairy.”

“Styx?” Ketha exclaimed, turning her head to see him. But the person holding her also had on a hooded cloak—only his was black.

“Shhh—that name isn’t safe here at the moment, andyou’rethe reason it isn’t,” he growled softly. “Come on, little girl—you’re in big trouble!”



Ketha felt as though her heart was trying to pound its way out of her ribcage. Finally she had found the big Kindred, and yet now that she had, everything she’d been planning to say had flown right out of her head!

“You…you’re here!” was all she managed as Styx pulled her down the corridor towards the docking area.
