Page 3 of Dae'mons and Doms

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Ketha passed rich dark-wood doors on either side of the furry hallway until at last, she came to door at the very end of the hall. There was a tastefully muted hologram—the number 11—in faintly glowing numbers hovering above it. She knocked on it gently—just two raps with her knuckles—and it opened at once.

“Ah, Mistress Ketha!” It was Schulo, the slaver himself. Today he had on a silvery graypentersilk coat which hung to his scaly knees. The richly embroidered material draped awkwardly over his scaly Saurian body, but his smile—which was enormously wide, due to his flat, elongated snout—said he was eager to please.

“Hello, Schulo.” Ketha nodded and stepped inside.

She was aware at once of a spicy, hot scent that was somehow indefinably masculine. Where was that coming from? She looked around but couldn’t see anyone else but the Saurian in the room—though there was a second door at the back of the richly decorated office. The scent made her body throb for some reason—her nipples getting even tighter under the thin green gown she wore. Why was that?

“I’ve come to get my mother’s new bodyslave,” she said, trying to ignore the strange feelings the warm scent gave her. Probably it was just the damn fertility drugs her mother had slipped her, she reasoned. She’d been fighting a rising tide of horniness for the past few hours, but she was determinednotto give in and go to the damn Conception Center!

“Ah, yesss,” Schulo hissed, nodding his long, crocodilian head. “Yesss, he is all ready to go. Though I must caution you, he isss…not quite the kind ofKindred you and your esssteemed mother are ussed to.”

Ketha frowned.

“What do you mean by that? I thought my mother ordered the same kind of Kindred our last bodyslave-butler, Speaks Softly, was. She’snotgoing to be happy if you give us something completely different.”

“This was the only one I could get on such short notice!” Schulo protested. “Besssides, all Kindred revere femalesss. He will ssserve you well, little Mistresss.”

When he started calling her “little Mistress,” Ketha knew something was up. Still, she was reluctantly intrigued. What would this new kind of Kindred look like? Speaks had been tall and muscular, even in his old age. He’d had thick silver hair which had once been blond and kind, faded blue eyes.

“Very well,” she said at last. “I’ll look at him. But if he’s not what we’re looking for, I’mnottaking him home. Mistress Morebutt isalreadyin a bad mood,” she added, thinking of her mother’s towering rage when she found out that Ketha had skipped yetanotherappointment at the Conception Center.

“Very good, very good. You will like him—I am sssure,” Schulo hissed eagerly. “Just wait here for a moment, little Mistresss while I fetch him.”

“Very well.” Ketha put a hand on her hip and tapped her fingernails. She was just about to check her communications device and see if her Mother had found out she’d skipped her appointment yet, when Schulo came back in leading the biggest male she’d ever seen in her life.

“Here he is, Little Mistresss,” he hissed proudly. “Your new Kindred bodyssslave!”



For a long moment, Ketha was at a loss for words. This new male looked nothing like Speaks Softly—nothing at all.

He was much bigger for one thing—he must be over seven feet tall, Ketha estimated. The top of her own head would barely come up past his elbow. And he was massively muscular—hismuscleshad muscles!

But Speaks had been fairly tall and well built, even though he had been bent with age at the end. However, the similarities between the two Kindred ended there. Because this new male had dark red skin, covered in curving black tattoos. Even stranger, he had glowing golden eyes and two short horns that curved up from either side of his forehead.

“What in the name of the Goddess?” Ketha demanded, staring up at the enormous male. “Are you sure he’s even Kindred? He doesn’t look like any Kindred I’ve ever seen!”

To her surprise, it was the bodyslave himself who answered her.

“That’s because I’m a Dae’mon Kindred, little girl,” he rumbled in a voice so deep Ketha swore she could feel it vibrating her bones. “We’re pretty fucking rare.”

“ADae’monKindred?” Ketha looked at Schulo for confirmation.

The Saurian slaver nodded eagerly.

“Yesss, yesss—they are quite rare, little Mistresss,” he hissed. “I had to do a rather expensssive deal with a Qurathian smuggler to get him for you!”

“Fuckin’ Chu’lex!” the Dae’mon Kindred growled. “He told me he had a special delivery—he never saidIwas the delivery he was talking about.”

He had thick black hair and cheeks that were dark with stubble but Ketha could see his jaw clenching with anger just the same.

“What’s he talking about?” she demanded of Schulo. “He doesn’t sound like he’s been conditioned properly at all!”

While the majority of the Mistresses on Yonnie Six used pain collars to keep their slaves under control, Mistress Morebutt preferred to use the much more expensive mental methods to keep her slaves in line.

This involved the use of a special conditioning helmet which linked directly to the slave’s brain and actually changed the pattern of their thoughts. A properly conditioned slave was happy to serve and needed no pain collar to make him obey his new Mistress.
