Page 33 of His to Wed

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Pressing her lips together, she nods. She wraps her arms around herself and turns to look out of the window. My wife needs to know the consequences of betrayal, so why do I feel like such a shit for telling her?



Hierarchy is important to the Volante family. I already suspected that would be the case since everything I know about the Mafia tells me they operate along very traditional lines. How much the pecking order matters to them becomes apparent as we take our seats for dinner. Antonio occupies the spot at the head of the table as befits his status as boss of the family. The next oldest brother, Leo, sits on his right. The others take their places in what I assume is ascending order of age—Matteo, then Alessandro, and finally Gio.

Ava has the seat to the left of Antonio, but I imagine when Leo marries she’ll have to make way for his wife. There’s an empty space across from Matteo, separating Ava and me. I hope it won’t make conversation difficult since she’s the person I’m most comfortable speaking to. My seat is opposite my husband’s and Olivia is next to me.

Others might find the seating arrangement absurdly formal for a family gathering, but I’m used to it. My grandfather liked toconduct mealtimes in an orderly fashion. If we dined alone, I was allowed to sit close to him. If his friends or my uncles joined us, I was shunted down the table. Once, when we had a lot of people over for a dinner party, I was so far from the head of the table, I might as well have been in the kitchens. If I’m honest, I preferred it that way. Ernesto Conti was not an easy man to converse with. He didn’t want to hear about my day, and he never shared how he passed his time with me.

One good thing about being in my grandfather’s home was that there was no requirement to dress up. Guests had to be presentable, but he discouraged shows of wealth. Once, when my aunt Constanza, wife to my uncle Mario, turned up with a designer handbag, he lectured her for a good half hour about her profligate spending.

Being here among the glamorous Volantes, I feel self-conscious. Thanks to heavy traffic in the city, we didn’t have time to go to Alessandro’s apartment before coming to his mother’s house. Apparently showing up underdressed is a lesser crime than being late, so Alessandro insisted we get ready in the back of the car. It was alright for him. All he had to do was put his suit jacket on. I had to wriggle out of my clothes and into the nice black wrap dress I bought today. It’s too plain for the occasion, but technically I’m in mourning for my grandfather, so I guess it’s appropriate.

With minimal makeup available to me and no way to straighten my tousled hair, I’m a bit disheveled. Ava and Olivia, however, look immaculate. Both wear gorgeous silk dresses, Ava’s in blue and Olivia’s in a striking red. It’s more daring than her mother’s, with a shorter length and a plunging neckline. Neither woman has a hair out of place. They were kind enough to assure me I look beautiful tonight. Even if I don’t quite believe them, I likethe Volante women. They’re warm and welcoming. The men in their dark shirts and pants, with perma-scowls etched on their faces, I’m not sure about.

“What did you think of the Westport house?” Ava asks me as the staff bring in our first course.

“I loved it, especially that sitting room with the blue walls and cream sofas.” My cheeks heat as I consider what happened between me and Alessandro in there. I shake off the embarrassing recollection of being spanked. “Such a calming color palette.”

Ava beams with delight. “I chose those colors myself. I like things to be bright.”

“Me too. I didn’t see the whole house, but the rooms I looked in were beautiful.”

“I’m surprised you saw anything except the ceiling in my brother’s room.”

Leo’s crass comment catches me off guard. I don’t know him well enough to understand what sort of reaction he’s hoping to get from me. Does he mean to tease, or was there something more menacing in his tone?

“Leonardo Volante!” Ava snaps. “My Alessandro is not a monster who would keep his bride locked in the bedroom.”

“Quite right,” Matteo agrees. “Why confine himself to a single bedroom when there are so many other rooms to find pleasure in?”

Matteo stares at me in challenge. First Leo and now him. Are they testing me? Am I supposed to sit here and let them make suggestive remarks to show my submission or tell them to knockit off to prove I can stand up for myself? I look to Alessandro for guidance, but his expression is unreadable.

“If you like bright colors, you’re going to need to do something about Alessandro’s home,” Olivia says. “I swear he took inspiration from a sex dungeon.”

“Olivia!” Ava scolds as my cheeks burn. I’m not used to people talking this way. “What would you know of such things?”

Olivia opens her mouth, the gleam in her eye suggesting she’s about to make some sassy remark, but she quickly snaps it shut. I follow her defiant glare to the head of the table where Antonio’s expression signals displeasure. It seems a single thin-lipped look from this man is enough to quell any opposition. I get that. He terrifies me.

“Feel free to redecorate,” Alessandro says. “Mamma can put you in touch with the right people. I’m sure she’d love to help you pick out new furniture or whatever.”

He couldn’t sound less interested in redecorating our home if he tried, so I guess we won’t be bonding over a shared love of oak furniture or fluffy throw pillows.

“Oh, I’d love that,” Ava says. “It will give us a chance to get to know each other better.”

“Good, that’s sorted.”

Alessandro smiles tightly as if he’s annoyed that his mother responded to the suggestion he just made. Does he not want me to get to know his mother?

“And Olivia, you can help Emilia fill out her wardrobe.”

“More clothes?” I can’t hold back my surprise. “But we spent so much money today.”

Alessandro’s scowl tells me I’ve said the wrong thing, but Antonio is the one who scolds me for it.

“You’re a Volante now, Emilia. You will be seen on my brother’s arm. How you look reflects not only on him, but on all of us. You will dress appropriately for every occasion. My sister will guide you. She knows what we require of our women.” He lifts his wineglass to his lips and takes a sip, but he isn’t finished with me. “And do not speak of money again. What your husband spends is no concern of yours.”
