Page 13 of Luca

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He checked his cell phone and saw it was nearly two o’clock, which was their call time.

He went into his office and sat at the desk, tapping his fingers on the smooth wood surface. Finally, his cell phone rang and he picked up.

“Hi, Luca, it’s Annie. I have Frankie on the line for you.”

“Great. Go ahead and put her through.”

“I will. I just wanted to mention, Luca…well, you do realize you’ve talked to her ten days in a row?”

He took a breath. “And? Is that a problem?”

“I don’t know. You tell me,” she prompted.

“There’s no problem, Annie. We’re just…a good fit.”

“Right. But you know if there are any issues, or you feel she’s getting too entangled, you can tell me, right? Because we can’t let this girl get hurt if you decide to quit or something.”

“I have no plans to quit. And you know I’ll make sure not to hurt her.”

“Of course I do. Just checking in—that’s part of my job.”

“I know. And I appreciate the way you look out for the Littles.”

“Okay. Let me get you connected.”

“Thanks, Annie.”

He only had a quick second to ponder what Annie thought she knew before he heard the click that told him Frankie was on the line.

“Frankie, sweetie, how are you?”

“Not good. I’ve had to work all day. An issue came up with an important case, and I was hoping to finish, but I couldn’t and…I’m so sad.”

“I’m sorry, honey,” he said. She had no idea how sorry he was. “Is there anything I can do for you?”

“I don’t think so.”

“Frankie? It sounds to me like you’re a bit in your Little space. Is that going to be bad for your work day?”

She sniffed. “I don’t know. Maybe.”

She sounded miserable, and he wished he could run over to her and scoop her up and soothe all her worries away. But all he could do was offer his time on the phone.

“How about you call me later, when you’re all done? And it doesn’t matter how late it is, as long as you’re not too tired. How does that sound?”

“That sounds good. It helps, a little.”

“Great! Now, do you have maybe five minutes?” he asked. “Because you sound like you’re having some anxiety, and I’d like to help you feel calmer before we hang up.”

“Uh, yes, I can take a few minutes.”

“Good. Now, are you at the office or working from home?”

“I’m at home, in my office at the house.”

“Okay. I want you to step away from your workspace, maybe go into the living room, and sit down.”

He heard a muffled shuffling, then she said, “Okay. I’m on the sofa.”
